6 articles · 0.7K karma · 5 friends · active 16 hours, 54 minutes ago

Working through my stash...

Incom T-65 X-Wing (Bandai 1/72)

My first Bandai build. I must have missed the memo that mentioned how well these kits go together. The fit is fantastic and requires virtually no sanding, or glue for that matter. Finished with Mr. Hobby, Gunze, and Tamiya paints. [...]

Focke Wulf Fw-190D-9 (Tamiya 1/48)

Granted this older Tamiya kit has some issues, but it still makes an attractive build. This also presented an opportunity to practice airbrushing camo and mottle free-hand while trying to avoid a major mishap. Kit decals were unusable so [...]

Grumman F-4F4 Wildcat (Tamiya 1/48)

Another 20+ year resident of the stash. Built straight from the box with the exception of the EZ-Line antenna. Finished with Mr. Color paints, Tamiya panel line wash, and AK weathering pencils. The kit decals added some drama but [...]

General Dynamics EF-111A (Academy 1/48)

This kit has been in my stash since the 1990’s. Some significant work was required to reinforce and clean up the front/rear fuselage join. Without internal reinforcement, there’s too much flex and too little area for glue to adhere [...]

MA.K. P.K.H.103 1a Nutrocker (Nitto 1/76)

MA.K hover tank in 1/76 scale. These are fun kits to build and weather. Added some photo etch, brass rod, wire, and styrene from the spares box. This was my first time using the MIG Ammo line of paints and weathering colors.

Polikarpov I-16 Type 24 (Hasegawa 1/72)

First post and first attempt at paint-chipping effect.