15 articles · 1.5K karma · 14 friends · active 2 months, 1 week ago

To scale modeling I got back after 16 years break. It was my solution to the presence of screens problem (eight hours in work and few hours after work). I'm highly interested in aircraft (especially from the Axis Powers - also known as Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis).

Currently, I'm a father of two boys (George 5, Simon 3) and husband of Emily. I'm working as a statistician in one of the banks. Last year I've finished my PHD from International Trade on Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. Therefore I have only a few hours (if I am lucky enough) per week to work on my models.

A brick model for the youngest

Dear all, Mabey some of you will find this post useful. I have two very young sons and I am trying to infect them with modelling mojo. I found some Revell quick build car (Older boy loves it). This time I want to share with you guys some [...]

Franciszek Kornicki – The symbol of RAF

Dear iM member, feel free to give me any suggestion and criticism to improve my performance in future projects. From Author It is my honour to reveal to post my Spitfire Mk Vb to commemorate Polish war hero Franciszek Kornicki. The [...]

Revell Sopwith F.1 Camel 1/72 (one of the first aircraft in RAF)

From Author: This article should be posted in 100 Years of The Royal Air Force Group Build, but due to some error, I am posting it in general iModeler page. I made the kit in 2017 (the kit comes from 2009). The most difficult part was: [...]

Fokker Dr. I, Revell 1/72

From Author: The model of Fokker Dr. I was made by me in 2017. The kit was manufactured by Revell in 2003. If you got Fokker Dr.I for the first time, you instantly want to make it in red to commemorate Manfred von Richthofen (so did I). [...]

Revell Junkers Ju 88 C-6 Z Nightfighter

From author: It is my first article published on iModeler.com It was my first kit after over 16 years of break from scale modeling (at that point in time I had no knowledge about modeling and had one brush, one glue and Revell paint can). [...]