75 articles · 10.5K karma · 18 friends · active 4 hours, 12 minutes ago

Modeling on and off over 60 years. World War II 1/48 scale aircraft are my main interest.

1/48 Hasegawa RAAF P-40 E

This plane was flown by five victory ace P Off Stuart Munro early 1942 from Port Moresby. At this time No. 75 Squadron was the only Allied fighter squadron standing between the Japanese and Australia. Many pilots of 75 Squadron entered [...]

1/48 Dewoitine D-520

Tamiya kit. This model represents an aircraft at Mostaganem North Africa, in 1941. I used the Aires cockpit set which Is quite nice but doesn't even come close to fitting the kit is was supposedly designed for. The crash pad in front of [...]

1/48 i. A. R. 80

This is the Hobby Boss kit. The plane I chose to model was an early production aircraft that was utilized as a "school" plane that only carried the outboard wing guns. I blanked off the inner guns and shell ejection chutes. The [...]

1/48 Zvezda Lavockin La-5

Eskadrilya Valeriy Chklov of 11 GIAP, winter 1942/43. Cockpit enhanced with Eduard photo etch parts. Akan paints used over all surfaces including cockpit. White distemper paint was sprayed using the "salt" technique. Aerial [...]

1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Hei “Tojo”

Aircraft flown by Capt. Wakamatsu 85th Sentai Canton, China, summer 1944. Jaguar resin cockpit was the only aftermarket used. Additional detail to the engine in the form of wiring was done as well as brake lines. Reference for the color [...]

1/48 Special Hobby Breda 65 A80

Aircraft from Aviazione Legionaria 1937, Spanish Civil War. If you have no experience with limited run kits don't try this one as your first attempt. Extra detail was added to engine and cockpit with kit guns replaced by Master barrels. I [...]

1/48 Hasegawa N1K2-J

Model represents an aircraft from 407 Hikotai,343 Kokutai, Matasuyama 1945. Upgrades include SBS cockpit, Master gun barrels and Aeromaster decals. The engine cowling gills were thinned and moved to an open position with scratch actuator [...]

1/48 Blackburn Roc

This is the Special Hobby kit and it shares quite a few parts with their earlier Skua kit. One problem this leads to is the Skua had two fuel tanks behind the pilot, the Roc one. SH give you the same parts for the Roc as in the Skua kit. [...]

1/48 Fokker DXXIII

RS Models kit. Call letters applied by paint. Used brass tubing for exhaust stacks. It's a typical limited run kit with no particular difficulties in constructing.

1/48 Mustang I

Accurate Miniatures kit and Bringuier Aviation Products resin wing. The plane was operated by No.2 Squadron June 1942. Updates to the kit included Ultracast seat and exhausts, Squadron vacuform canopy, and Master gun barrels. I [...]