75 articles · 10.5K karma · 18 friends · active 4 hours, 9 minutes ago

Modeling on and off over 60 years. World War II 1/48 scale aircraft are my main interest.

1/48 Special Hobby Fokker D.XXI

Additional parts made to enhance the model: cockpit door with locking pins and hinges, clear vac formed opening hatch, improved cockpit detail, added a Townend ring for inside front of the engine cowling and separated the elevators with [...]

1/48 Avia B-35.1 Prototype

Planet Models resin kit.

Reggiane RE 2000 / J.20

Classic Airframes 1/48 kit. There's quite a few changes to make this model more accurate, the cockpit opening shape, the forward fuselage panel lines and the flaps are some of these. If one wants to do these improvements, pick up a copy of [...]

1/48 Airfix Curtiss P-40B

Robert Neale's plane. Used Ultracast seat, prop/spinner and Master gun barrels.

Hasegawa 1/48 Airacobra Mk.I

Used Ultracast seat, Vector .30 cal. gun barrels, Eduard Zoom cockpit and some resin from the Aires set. 20 mm canon barrel from brass tubing. Color of Eagles and Pollyscale paints used as well as Tamiya weathering powder. Note on the [...]