32 articles · 2.7K karma · 20 friends · active 8 months, 1 week ago

Luftwaffe Fighters and US NAVY planes Modeler (mostly 1/72) and aviation enthusiast. Living in Hamburg, Germany. Private Pilot (inactive). Served in the German Navy (8 years) in Naval Airwing 3. Started to build scale plastic models (1/72 Planes and 1/32 WW II Figures), when I was 8 or 9 years old, till 1995. Paused about 20 years and started this hobby again around 2001. Since 2007 airbrushing with Mr. Hobby colors and HS Evolution, Aztek 470.

Tamiya BF-109 E 4 1/72 with little Luftwaffe Hangar

The illustrated machine is the white 7 of the Lt. Josef Bürschgens 7./JG 26, Caffiers Aug. 1940, that is, at the time of the Battle of Britain. As you know, the Tamiya kits are a pleasure to build and there are no difficulties to bring [...]

Airfix Bf-109 E3 1/72 “Forced Landing”

My newest project is the Airfix BF-109 E in 1/72 scale. The figures are from Zvezda, named "british recon team". I airbrushed my models with "Mr. Hobby" colors and did some dust dirt with "mig ammo" (airplanes [...]