9 articles · 0.7K karma · 3 friends · active 6 years, 11 months ago

I have been building models for many years now, I mainly build model railways products in 7mm but have recently gone back to plastic as a break from the drudge of metal bashing railways. I admit I do like aviation but as a marine engineer I do love all things nautical, my other problem is I do lean heavily towards the larger scale models, the problem with this is they tend to take up a lot of space but Hay-Ho we can't change that. Hands up I've just ordered 2 of the 24th scale Airfix Typhoons.

Waterwings continued my floatplane Spitfire gets closer.

Well I think that's my cockpit is about done, getting closer though.

Water wings 1/24 Spitfire floatplane.

Well folks got to do a little more on the spit and I have to admit its going together really well the way fit of the parts of is excellent and I'm r Enjoying the build, I've got a lot more detailing to add,but I'm pleased with the way [...]

Water wings , time to make start.

Just a couple of quick pics to show the start of my floatplane spitfire.

U.S.Navy F-14 Tomcats part1 Digital publication.

Hi all, hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year. Just before christmas I was lucky enough to win a copy of the new digital book " U.S.Navy F-14 Tomcats Part1: Atlantic Coast Squadrons. By Bert Kinzey and Art by Rock Roszak. Now [...]

Skoda’s 1/35 howitzer from Takom

Hi folks been quite a time since I have had time to do any modelling but the new Takom 1917 Howitzer turned up and it really took my fancy, that was 3 days ago. Well here's the result of 3 days work, I have to say it was one of the best [...]

After sortie chat.

Hi folks, here is my latest build it's the Revell Spitfire Mk2 and the figures are the Masterbox RAF set. Firstly the Revell Spitfire is a pleasure to buildand the fit of the parts is stunning the only thing extra were a set of RB [...]

Master Box 1/32 RAF pilots.

Hi Folks, After my uploading my photo's of my Revell Spitfire (thank you for your nice reply's by the way) I decided to do a small diorama I had the Master Box RAF pilots set so decided to put these together and was very pleasantly [...]

Revell 1/32 Mk2a Spitfire

Hi folks, hope everyone has had a good Christmas and are all ready for the New Year. Well 2014 was a hard year for me I've really struggled to produce anything everything I started ended in the bin of doom never to be seen again. Then I [...]

And now for something completely different! Scale 1/43

Hi folks, just thought I'd show you what I've been working on recently, these are 1/43 scale coaches built from Ian Kirk Plastic kits. Most railway coaches are made up in sections and the real things were built in the same way, the [...]