14 articles · 1.3K karma · 24 friends · active 1 month, 1 week ago

Modeller in winter, mountainbiker in summer, I also do some custom airbrush work from time to time.

Russian naval 10-ton tow tractor 1/48

Not exactly an airplane, but airplane related. I usually build airplanes and I started building Su-33 and planned to make some sort of diorama with it. But the problem was, I couldn't find any appropriate vehicle to place it next to it. [...]

Year in review 2017

I consider myself a slow modelbuilder so two finished kits per year are good enough for me and it usually takes me about 6 months to actually finish a model. First off the bench was prehistoric 1/48 Revell A-7, with deck diorama base made [...]

24th Slovenian Nationals

Every year in mid November, slovenian modellers gather for the annual Nationals, this time for the 24th time in a row. The event is one day event, situated a walking distance away from the old centre of Ljubljana. Slovenian modelling scene [...]

Another iModeler member SMW Gold

Yoo might find this Wessex familiar and You are right as it was presented on iModeler a while ago. Unfortunatelly I wasn't able to attend this years SMW in Telford but my friends from IPMS Slovenia were kind enough to take this beast with [...]

Thanks iModelerJune award is finally here...

Back in june i was lucky enough that my Flanker was chosen to be the best model of june... So my award is finally here - ZM FW-Ta152 in 1/48. Up there on the shelf there is a hint of what i am going to build next, but soon after that this [...]

Su-27 Flanker B (1/48 Academy or what’s left of it)

Having bought the original box almost 20 years ago, I never intended to build my flanker out of the box, so during the years the kit box was filled with almost every available aftermarket offering available. And even then I knew that the [...]

Got the Imodeler Award!

Back in december, I got the message from the editor Martin that I won the november contest. So I gave him the impossible task to dig out this Tamiya's F-14. And You know what - he kept his promise. Yes, it took a while, and it was not his [...]

Spitfire Mk.IXc – or severe case of AM (aftermarket) syndrome…

I admit it. I have it. We have all been there - drooling over possibly the best plastic kit on the market but when You finally get a hold of it, it's just not good enough. Don't get me wrong - Eduard's Spitfire in 1/48th scale is one of [...]

Wie ein floh…. Me-163 Komet B-1a

Hi friends, Still collecting myself from Moson madness, so i thought I'd share a small model that i've finished a while ago. Revell's komet, a rocked powered German jet. Small amount of parts, I thought that that would be a super easy [...]

Westland Wessex HU.5 (Italeri 1/48 + + + )

Hi fellow modellers. It has been a while since my last post, but I think this one is good enough to be presented on this site. I have been waiting for this kit for a long time and was pleasantly surprised and somehow dissapointed at the [...]