15 articles · 0.9K karma · 8 friends · active 23 hours, 8 minutes ago
Just restarted this hobby from childhood time. Now being 46 there is still so much to explore.
Living in the WWII Market Garden area (I can see ‘Bridge Eleven’ through the window when I’m building) at first I tried to focus on models used during that famous operation. The last few months I’ve working on some early 20th century vehicles as well.
The past weeks I have read a lot about Stalingrad, for instance in Jonathan Littels novel ‘The Kindly Ones’ and these days in Vasili Grossman’s ‘Stalingrad’. That inspired me to build this KV-1 in 1/72. My first experience with [...]
After my first positive experience with Armour in 1/72 scale, I decided to focus more on these smaller models. Besides being able to practice weathering, it also brings some welcome distraction every now and then, during larger projects, [...]
My first build with winter camouflage finish.
After a friend of mine recommended the autobiographical novel “De Stamhouder” (“The lineage holder”) by Dutch writer Alexander Münninghoff, I decided to use it as inspiration for this [...]
Just a few days before he underwent major heart surgery my father in law told me about his military service. During that time he was trained to drive an “AMX-tank”, but this being more than 50 years ago, unfortunately he didn’t [...]
This should be my masterpiece since restarting the hobby about a year ago. What a build (and work) is has been. But I’m very happy with the result.
This summer I was able to buy the Trumpeter Baureihe 52 mit Steifrahmentender (00210) for [...]
After reading Hemingways A farewell to arms I got inspired to build a WWI aircraft. I chose the Albatros and painted it in the Jasta-scheme. The first part of the build was really enjoyable, even more because of the Quinta Studio [...]
This beautiful kit has waited some time in my stash to be built. WWII trucks more and more apear to be my favorite. While working on it I bought a portable airbrush set, to gain some experience with that. Eventhough I’m still working on [...]
The last few weeks I’ve been working on this lovely bus, part two of my ‘Downton Abby’-series. A few models before this one I built an old Renault AG (ICM) which was a lot easier than this one by MiniArt (38031). Especially the [...]
When I restarted my old modeling-hobby last year this Italeri-kit from was one of the first kits I bought. After building some armour I thought it was time to give this one a chance. Geoff Duke won the Dutch TT in Assen on this bike in [...]
This little German car from ICM was an enjoyment to build. For some reason the vehicle catched my eye for some time, so I decided buy and spend some time on this kit. Eventhough the parts fit very well, because of a lot of tiny parts it [...]