I like 1960's Fleet Air Arm (FAA) aircraft and inspired by the amazing painting on the box art, I purchased Sword's Fairey Gannet AEW.3, in 1/72 scale. I chose the second set of markings, included in the kit, depicting aircraft XP224 of [...]
Continuing on a theme of Army fixed wing aircraft in Vietnam, I selected this 1/72 scale Clear Prop model of the low-level, reconnaissance Mohawk. Requirements came from the US Army and its cockpit canopy is all utilitarian, looking a [...]
The C-130 Hercules gets all the glory for the role it has and continues to play in the arena of tactical airlift. Perhaps less well known but, not insignificant, is the humble De Haviland of Canida, Caribou. It is smaller than the 130 [...]
1/72 BE-12 Chayka or Seagull in Ukrainian markings. The aircraft made its operational debut in 1968 and served in the ASW and SAR role and is still flying today with a handful still operating. The NATO, cold war code name for this [...]
I am a fan of cold war reconnaissance aircraft and so, like some folks out there, I had the Mach 2 RB-57 kit just sitting on the shelf. I had read the reviews and new the kit's plastic was less than optimal and so it just sat there, for [...]
I started with the T-Tail, Hasegawa SP-5B Marlin kit and purchased the 3D printed conversion from Rieth Creations (www.riethcreations.com/product-page/p5m-1-marlin-conversion-set). The parts provided a conventional tail with nicely [...]