55 articles · 7.3K karma · 14 friends · active 4 hours, 29 minutes ago

I live in Melbourne, Australia and I model 1/48 WWII aircraft with the odd diversion to modern jets. I typically have a dozen kits on the go and sometimes manage to finish one with out making much of a dent in the stash.

A quick Triebflügel

I don’t normally build “Luftwaffe 1946” aircraft but I saw this kit in my local hobby shop on sale and couldn’t resist. I thought it would make an amusing subject – so the brand is well named. I have long been aware of the [...]

Australian Model Expo 2022: Part 3

The final set of photos. These are for Medium Scale Aircraft - Jet or Rocket Propelled (1/36 to 1/71) - Open.

Australian Model Expo 2022: Part 2

The next selection of models are Medium Scale Aircraft - Propeller - Axis (1/36 to 1/71) - OOB.

Australian Model Expo 2022: Part 1

After a 2 year, Covid 19 induced absence, the Australian Model Expo was held in Melbourne from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th of June, 2022. A record 902 models were entered in the various competition categories. This year was also the first [...]

80 Years Ago Today… the Japanese Bombing of Darwin

On 19th of February 1942, just 73 days after the attack on Pearl Harbour (8th December 1941 Australian time) the Australian city of Darwin was bombed by the Japanese. The attack was led by Commander Mitsuo Fuchida, who had also led the [...]

Supermarine Spitfire Mk. VIII "HAVA GO JO"

This is my last build for 2021. It was built for a club competition with a photo evidence deadline of 23:59 on 31 December and was completed with 5 hours 34 minutes to go. The reason for this deadline was the various Melbourne Covid-19 [...]

Red Rocket

This aircraft was built as part of the “Imperial German Air Service / Luftwaffe Group Build May 1st, 1910, to Present Day” group build. Maj. Wolfgang Spate was the commanding officer of EKdo 16 (Erprobungskommando 16 or Test Command [...]

Boulton Paul Defiant NF.I

This model represents a Defiant NF.I of No. 264 Sqn. flown by Sqn. Ldr. Philip Saunders, amongst others, between December 1940 and February 1941. I picked this scheme for the unusual fuselage roundel. Mid war theory held that wars would [...]

Worimi Hornet

On the 24th of February, 2015, at the Australian International Airshow, the Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Geoff Brown unveiled the ‘Worimi’ F/A-18A Hornet. It was commissioned by the Royal Australian Air Force to demonstrate its [...]

Mitsubishi J8M Shusui

This model represents one of the unarmed prototypes for the Mitsubishi J8M/Ki-200 Shusui (Sword Stroke). It was captured post war by the Americans and is the only surviving complete airframe and resides at the Planes of Fame museum in [...]