55 articles · 7.3K karma · 14 friends · active 3 hours, 42 minutes ago

I live in Melbourne, Australia and I model 1/48 WWII aircraft with the odd diversion to modern jets. I typically have a dozen kits on the go and sometimes manage to finish one with out making much of a dent in the stash.

Three Me 262s: Finale

I am a member of the Warbirds Aviation Modelling Group (Melbourne, Australia: (link)). Each year we have two club competitions, "Gunna Build" and "Build a “Build a B#%@#$". The "Gunna Build" is an open build [...]

Three Me 262s Part 3: Me 262A-1a

As indicated by the title, this is the third of three Me 262s built simultaneously; Dragon Me 262A-1a/U4 Hobby Boss Me 262A-1a/U3 Tamiya Me 262A-1a The subject this model represents is a Me 262A-1a aircraft operated but 3./KG(J) 54 [...]

Three Me 262s Part 2: Me 262A-1a/U3

As indicated by the title, this is the second of three Me 262s built simultaneously; Dragon Me 262A-1a/U4 Hobby Boss Me 262A-1a/U3 Tamiya Me 262A-1a The Me 262 was a natural candidate for a high speed reconnaissance platform and [...]

Three Me 262s Part 1: Me 262A-1a/U4

As indicated by the title, this is the first of three Me 262s built simultaneously; Dragon Me 262A-1a/U4 Hobby Boss Me 262A-1a/U3 Tamiya Me 262A-1a The concept of an Me 262 armed with a large calibre weapon originated in February [...]

My 2020 builds

These are the four builds I completed in 2020. I posted the Rafale build earlier this year and the three Me 262s are the subjects of a work-in-progress thread ((link)) and I'll post the final pictures here soon. I had hoped to finish a few [...]

What-if… RAAF Dassault Rafale

This is the second in a series of ‘what if’ aircraft that I’m building. In 1999 the Australian Department of Defence announced Project AIR 6000 "New Air Combat Capability (NACC)", which was intended to find a replacement [...]

Pre-production Ki-44, 47th Independent Flight Company

This is another kit from a while ago. I built it in 2014. The subject this model represents is Ki-44 No. 4405, which was the 5th pre-production (prototype) aircraft, flown by Maj Toshio Sakagawa, commander of the 47th Dokuritsu Hiko [...]

Macchi C.202 Serie III

I decided to post this after seeing Stéphane Bredel’s excellent build of another Macchi C.202. I built this kit way back in 2005. The subject this model represents is the aircraft M.M.7720, 84-1, which was almost certainly flown by [...]

Douglas SBD-2

This is the Academy boxing of the Accurate Miniatures kit. I bought it second-hand for my wife to give me for Christmas in 2018 and I couldn't wait to start it straight away. It only took me about three months elapsed time to finish, [...]

LaGG 3, Series 2

After seeing David Lane's excellent build I thought I post my effort from 2015. It was built OOB except for the addition of some Extra Tech seat belts. This is the same aircraft as David's, albeit at a later time as it has the winter [...]