20 articles · 1.9K karma · 4 friends · active 15 hours, 15 minutes ago

I live in Durbanville, South Africa.
Build mostly 1/32.

1/32 Special Hobby( Hi-Tech) Bell AH-1G Cobra

AH-1G Cobra, 68-15135, 3rd Aviation Cavalry Division, F-Troop, flown Cpt Rudy Parris and Sgt Don Vaughan, Hue-Phau Bai, 1971, Vietnam.

Trumpeter 1/32 F100 D Super Sabre

My latest build with the following corrections and additions: 1)Corrected the inaccurate nose intake with plastic card & Magic Scalp. 2) Shortened the main undercarriage so that the model sat with a more nose up attitude. 3) Cockpit [...]

1/32 Zoukei-Mura Heinkel He 219

He 219A-2, W/Nr.290126, D5+BL 3./NJG 3, Grove 1945. RLM 22(black) on all the undersides( my 50/50 mix of black and dark brown); top surfaces in RLM 75/76 ' reverse mottling'. All markings in white, except 'BL' of code which is probably RLM [...]

Tamiya 1/32 F4C

There has probably been more misinformation published on 64-0829 than almost any other Phantom. I have tried to build this jet as it may have looked on the 30th March 1967 when the then Col. Robin Olds led a low level strike against the [...]

1/32 Italeri F104 S ASA

Aeritala/Lockheed F104 S ASA MM609 37° Stormo 18° Gr ( Trapani-Birgi 1991) This jet is in a once off experimental "low vis" scheme before the lighter gray overall scheme was adopted.

Trumpeter 1/24 Hurricane MkIIc

This turned out to be a very pleasant and easy build. The actual aircraft had the black very crudely brush painted with areas of the original camo showing through especially on the wings. I, however, was not prepared to try and replicate [...]

ZM 1/32 A-1J Skyraider

ZM Skraider built OOB with the exception of some improvements to the Yankee Extraction System and seat. There were also one or two minor tweaks. I still however need to add a scratch 150gal tank for the starboard inner wing pylon but that [...]

Trumpeter 1/32 F105 D Thunderchief

This 105 is built to represent a jet flown by Capt. Vic Vizcarra, from the 354th TFS, Takhli, RTAFB, September-November 1966. Destroyed in a ground accident on 16/12/68 during overhual at a depot on Tinian, Taiwan. There were many [...]

Airfix 1/24 Hellcat MKII

Hellcat MKII operated by the FAA off HMS Khedive, East Indies, March- April 1945. A relatively trouble free build. I was, however, disappointed by some of the detail left of by Airfix on such a large scale kit, but nothing that the [...]

HK Models 1/32 Mossie Mk.IV

Calling this one done. Pity the crappy camera never reflected the variation of the black although no pure black was used on the model. All extra work in the cockpit was scratch except for the Barracuda placards. The stowed dinghy was also [...]