XA2D-1 Skyshark β monster figher that failed (ClearProp 1:48)
It is big bird, looking either elegant and weird. It was planned as turboprop-powered heavy attack fighter for US Navy carrier decks in 1950s.
However, Navy did not allowed the plane to operate due to troublesome power unit and due to its weight and size.
Therefore, Skyshark stayed as excellent sidestep which lead to nowhere. In the end, just 12 Skysharks were built and only eight ever flew, including the two that crashed.
My one should represent second prototype, originally painted overall blue, with different rudder and with tailhook. Later, the tailhook was removed and rudder was replaced with larger one. Blue color was washed down and prototype was then tested in NMF.
When I see it finished in my display case I agree with admirals.
It is behemoth, almost the same size as E-2C Hawkeye, for sure they have the same height!
The kit itself has also pros and cons:
molding quality
parts accuracy
different rudder not in the box
wrong intakes
wrong panel lines and missing additional air cooling
complicated fuselage build.
not fitting ejection seat.
Thanks to ClearProp to bring this beast to the market! Job well done!
Colors used: Mr. Paint overall blue, then Mr. Color, Tamiya and Vallejo.
Build details:
Thanks to clear prop for bring it to the market, and thanks to you for bringing it to life! What a wonderful job you've done with the solid blue that looks both not too new and far from used. Great scale effect in my opinion. Thanks for your detailed build thread and sharing the results.
Very interesting subject and great job.
This came out exceptionally well, Martin (@naviatik). It was a pleasure following your build in WIP.
The British where able to solve the transmission problems of coupling two turbo props with the
Fairey Gannet. Which served not only with the Brits but, the Germans and in India. National pride and who knows, had the Americans looked into what Fairey was doing with the Gannet they too could have had winner. Considering what the piston powered Skyraider proved to be in Korea and in Vietnam. A superb bomb truck and COIN aircraft that was the model for the Skyshark.
Martin, some strong work in the build and paint dept gives the viewer the impression that this build would easily win the "Gold" in a contest or the hearts and minds of folks who love modeling.
Two thumbs.
That is a very nice result. Puts my 1/72 Anigrand Skyshark to shame.
Beautiful work! There's similar design line in Douglas's A-1 and F-3D.
Sorry, but you have one ugly baby. To me, it looks like an American Wyvern. Great job, especially the decaling, looks painted on. Rivets stand out well, too.
Really nice work here, Martin. Having seen the real thing, you have come out right next to that. I particularly like the folded wings.
Excellent job, Martyn!
Equally excellent, informative build thread!
Not so often seen subject, Martin @naviatik
You created an excellent build of this enormous fighter.
Thanks for sharing it in your build thread, it was a pleasure to follow.
Martyn you definitely delivered a WINNER! I followed your build closely. I will definitely visit your build when constructing my Skyshark. Clearprop took a bold step with this release but I am not complaining. I always wanted a Skyshark. I can live with the minor inaccuracies in the kit. You definitely gave us a STUNNING rendition of this beast! Well done.
Nice build, it looks amazing. The finish is really super nice.
Thank you all guys. The kit is really excellent shortrun. In case you want to build it I recommend replacing pitot tubes and guns with brass, the rest is just OK from the box.
NICE! Fantastic looking build Martin from every angle!
Fantastic job on this, Martin, definitely liked.
Weathering looks just right, which is difficult on such a dark color. Great build of an odd bird.
π ... Greetings ... π :
This for sure is a magnificent piece of aviation history Martin.
Just looking at is, one can see the evolution of naval fighters as well as that of the colors.
Weird in size and shape, yet so interesting visually. The folded wings are a very nice touch.
Martin. I have to admit I really like the weird and unusual (also know as the "what were they thinking" designs), and this one has to be right up there on that top of my weirdo list. I can only imagine the wonderful sight of it flying in formation with a few flying pancakes !
You've done a wonderful job on this. It really looks great !
That's a real beauty - love the paint and finishing work - the lighter colored wash to accentuate the details really makes it pop, and love the exhaust staining. Just a great build all around. Well done!
Just came across this. It is fantastic!