6 articles · 0.8K karma · 6 friends · active 6 years, 5 months ago

I have been seriously making models for around 40 odd years, yes, I'm that old

Before that I spent some time in the forces.

I make mainly 1/32 and 1/48 scale aircraft. And 1/35 scale military vehicles.

I am an admin on several Facebook groups, and a member of quite a few others.

I like all aspects of modelling from the plastic bits to going to events, shows and museums, I have been lucky enough to have some of my models published in several magazines over the years and have won in several shows, classes etc.

1/48 Airfix Lightning

Calling this one done, not 100% happy with it, but that's more down to me than the kit.

UK Aircraft Museum Photos

Just a few of the photos taken from Cosford, Newark, and Doncaster aircraft Museums here in the UK. I'm no photography expert, so please be nice ?

Miss pick me up. Catalina from Duxford

Having gone to flying legends recently at Duxford in UK, and always having a love affair with the cat, it seemed only a matter of time before I made one of these. This is the old 1/48 scale Revell/Monogram kit of the Catalina with AM [...]

100 years of the RAF in miniature

The mossie is 1/24 The Meteor, 74 Squ Phantom, Hunter, Mitchell, and Lightning is 1/32 The rest are all 1/48 Not a comprehensive list, but some favorites all the same.

WIP, Airfix 1/48 Lightning

An oldie but goodie, the Airfix 1/48 scale Lightning F-6 version You can never have enough lightnings?

A few of my builds over the years

Hi all, A newbie here. This is my first post , so what I have done is just get a few of my past builds. The aircraft are mostly 1/32 scale, a few 1/48 in there but not many and the mossie is 1/24. The vehicles are all 1/35 The figures are [...]