39 articles · 6.3K karma · 13 friends · active 1 year ago

Just an other model builder. I have also retired as a shift trouble shooter (industrial electromech) for Michelin Tire, after 35 years. Now singing in a local rock band and providing some technical support.

Revell 1/72 FW 200 C-8 Condor

Some pics of an old build. Finished with Model Master paints and 3m tape for the camo. I used a masking set for the glass, although I don't remember the brand. (probably Eduard) I had to get creative with the radar antennae since the kit [...]

Airfix Alpha Jet 1/72

They've been buzzing around the area for the last few days and I've been taking some pictures, so I decided to pull out the model and do a quick shoot. I built this ages ago--probably '93. It was completely hand painted. I didn't keep the [...]

KP Avia B.35 (1/72)

Scott's article inspired me to pull this out of the case, do some repairs on the antenna mast, touch up the panel lines, and do a shoot. I built this four years ago and wasn't terribly disappointed with the results. The decals were good [...]

2017 in review

Shamefully slack on building kits this year myself (rock bands 'll do that to ya). But I did managed to complete two in 1/72 scale, paint three big RC Astro Hogs, and fix up a few more older builds for re-shoots. Seasons Greetings to all !

Hasegawa 1/72 CP 121 Tracker

Re-shoot day ! Originally build 2008. This kit was highly modified and detailed to produce an accurate Canadian service aircraft. The paint is a self produced version of 501-109 grey using Model Master as a base and referencing the I. P. [...]

1/144 Minicraft CC 137 Husky

And another re-shoot ! This model was originally built in Aug. '07. Picture 8 is an I P taken after the decals had been applied. (a CanMilAir set) This was a woefully bad kit, but the only game in town at the time. The white is Tamiya X1 [...]

1/72 KP Aero A.100

I originally built & photographed this old KP kit (with an ARC contribution) about 10 years ago, A few days ago I noticed it had jiggled close to the edge of its shelf, and when I went to re position it I noticed the right aileron [...]

It’s a Hawg !!

This has been a big project ! Now with some touch up's and a clear coat, (and the Hawg decals) they'll be ready for the owners to install their equipment.

RC painting project (WIP)

Applied the first coat of Tennessee Red on three RC planes this morning. The new spray gun worked great ! I'll post more pictures when they're completed.

Trumpeter 1/144 Tu-16k-26 Badger G

I initially had problems photographing this build. Because of the light gray color the fine detail always seemed to disappear. To-day with a re-shoot under a light overcast sky, I had better luck. This was an excellent Trumpeter kit, [...]