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Pedro L. Rocha
40 articles

Unusual markings for an all too usual buildEduard 190 A-4

June 27, 2023 · in Aviation · · 24 · 559

Back in late 2018 I posted a new decal maker in the market:

I like these decals so much that I already purchased 4 sheets and as a consequence several of my 190 articles here use them.
This one is from that first sheet…5 years ago. Since Eduard finally delivered last month the final derivative machine from their A-4 line (option with engine flaps and 2 gun wings) at last I had the opportunity to build the second option in that decal sheet.

It's a somewhat unusual 190 on 2 details: - the markings and the upper deck 74/75 segmentation, namely after the engine and up to the tail.
Belongs to 1/SG 101 in southern France, 1943.

Hope you like it, cheers!

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 8  1 

24 responses

  1. This is an excellent result, Pedro @holzhamer
    The decals do look great, as does the rest of this build.
    Very nice weathering.

  2. Indeed the Exito sheets is a fresh addition to the decal-market.

    As usual you delivered a beautiful model and a very interesting marking-option Pedro!

  3. A wonderful result, Pedro! Well done!

  4. Really just wow, Pedro @holzhamer! This is a pristine build, although your Zero is still my favorite kit of yours 🙂

  5. Great job, Pedro! It is nice to see some unusual markings on a classic.

  6. You’ve made the most of that transfer sheet, Pedro.

  7. Gorgeous build. Really like the subtle weathering of the aircraft. Awesome job!

  8. Super cool Pedro and up to your usual high standard!

  9. That is a real beauty! Excellent paintwork and weathering. Thanks for the encouragement on the Excito decals - I have a set I bought for some 109s, and now having read and seen this, I'm moving another 109 up in the build queue!

  10. Nice to see you've added another Würger to your ever growing collection Pedro @holzhamer. Most interesting markings I've seen yet. Those Exito decals look superb. I'll have to try one of their sheets. I like how you positioned those belts. Excellent all the way around!

  11. Strange markings indeed and the build quality shines through - really well done!

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