7 articles · 290 karma · 0 friends · active 11 months, 1 week ago

Im building kits since I was 11 or 12.
The first kits were Polish 1/144 simple kits of the PZL P.37B bomber. They were cheap and were everywhere to get.
Then I build KP and Šmer kits. And I started to build complex paper models with my grandpa.
Now im 52 and I collect more than build the kits. But the modeling helped me over very hard times in my life. Im thankfull to have this great hobby every day.

Spitfire Mk.IX UT. The Red Trainer

I converted the 1/48 ICM Spitfire to the Soviet AF UT version. Their own pilot rainer. Soviets rebuild nearly any used western aircraft type to a trainer version to help the pilots to understand the aircraft during the training. The kit [...]

Nakajima Ki-190-II 薙刀 "NAGINATA"

We all know the Japanese Army AF tested the FW-190A-5 aircraft. My Idea was to create a production version build by the Nakajima company. I used the older 1/48 Dragon kit for the project. The wings were reengraved and converted to install [...]

T-34/76 ChTZ.

Helo. This model is very very old. Its the ancient Italeri kit with a copied in resin Dragon turret. I added the cuppola to make the later version. Its full of errors. I added from time to time new parts and details. The track is from [...]

P-400. The Guadalcanal Cobra.

Helo. This Eduard kit was build some time ago. Its the weekend edition. Build simply oob and painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylic paints. The US national markings are painted on it as weathered. Best regards

FW-190A-5/U-8. Night JaBo

Here my FW190A5 Dragon kit converted to the U-8 JaBo version. The aircraft from 1./ SKG 10 flew from Poix, France in summer 1943 against targets in England. It was build some time ago already. Painted with Tamiya and Gunze paints. All [...]

F4F. The wild Cat from the Henderson Field.

Helo. White MF-1, flown by Captain Robert E. Galer, Commander of VFM-224, Henderson Field , Guadalcanal, New Caledonia, September 1942. This is the not bad/not good 1/48 Wildcat from Trumpeter. Build oob. Gunze MR.Color lacquer paints and [...]

The New Guinea Samurai. A6M3.

Helo A Zero from the Tainan Fighter Group, Buna, East-New Guinea, 1942-1943. This is a real Oldie. A classic kit from the Tamiya range. Something reengraved. The rest build oob. Hinomarus and stripes painted on. The rest are original kit [...]