8 articles · 1.9K karma · 10 friends · active 1 hour, 47 minutes ago

US Naval aviation buff.

Tamiya 1/48 F4F-4 Wildcat

Another Shelf Queen done. Out of the box, no construction problems, colors are Gunze and Humbrol, decals are a mix from the kit and the spare box. A 3-footer really, but I'm happy it's done.

Eduard 1/48 F6F-5 Hellcat

Seems I forgot to post this one after it was finished last year, so here it is now. Eduard Profipack kit, no problems with construction, paint is Model Master with Gunze coats. Weathering with various stuff. Only real problem I had were [...]

Meng 1/48 P-51D Mustang

Finished No.2 during the lockdown. Meng 1/48 P-51D Mustang, 105 Sq. IAF. Oob, except for the markings which are a combination of very old decals from Ventura and Classic Airframes, plus some painting over the masks. Paints are AK [...]

Airfix 1/48 Spitfire F.24

This is the old Airfix Sptfire F.24 that I finished during the Corona lockdown. It's out of the box, the only addition were Eagle Strike decals, which being 15 years old didn't behave perfectly. Paints and clear coats are Gunze.

Tamiya 1/48 Crusader Mk.III

Finally finished a long overdue birthday present from a friend. This is Tamiya 1/48 Crusader Mk.III, paints are Gunze, weathering with Tamiya Weathering Master and AK.

Hasegawa 1:48 F-4J Phantom II

Well, here it is, after 24 years, it's finally done. I bought this one back in 1995 when it was a state of the art kit, and of course, immediately started on it. It came to a phase in which it had the basic colors on and after that it just [...]

Tamiya 1:48 KV-1

This is my latest work, 1:48 KV-1 from Tamiya. Great little kit, built OOB. I played around with some weathering to achieve that "busy look". Hope you like it.

Hasegawa 1:48 P-40N Warhawk

I always liked the P-40N, it's my favorite of the whole Warhawk/Kittyhawk family and I always wanted to do white-tailed New Guinea warrior. Well, here it is, my latest finished build, 1:48 P-40N from Hasegawa. The kit is beautifully [...]