6 articles · 0.8K karma · 4 friends · active 5 months, 3 weeks ago

I have several hobbies that I have only recently started to pursue. I have loved airplanes since childhood, but I started flying as a pilot 3 years ago. I like to travel. My favorite places in the world are Asia (Thailand, Vietnam) and the USA (mainly Florida and New York). I always wanted to dive. So I have been diving for the past 7 years and have an AOWD license. I like modeling. As a child I glued several models together. I have been actively engaged in modeling for the last 7 years since 2017. I like to build aircraft and equipment from the WWI period. I live actively. I ride a bike, play squash, ski. I am happily married. We have two sons and two grandchildren. I have a lot of support in my family for building model airplanes and for flying. What more can a person affected by airplanes and flying wish for?

Roland D.VI

I always wanted to build this plane. The hull made of planks in a natural color is simply stunning. At least for me. I imitated the wood by painting with oil paints. Each board separately. It can be seen in the photos of the construction. [...]

Pfalz D.IIIa

The Pfalz D.III was a German single-seat biplane fighter used during World War I primarily by German Luftstreitkräfte units. It was designed by Rudolph Gehringer and manufactured by Pfalz Flugzeugwerke. Most machines were produced in the [...]

Fokker D.VII (OAW) Seven Swabians

The Fokker D.VII was a German World War I fighter aircraft designed by Reinhold Platz of the Fokker-Flugzeugwerke. Germany produced around 3300 D.VII aircraft in the second half of 1918. In service with the Luftstreitkräfte, the D.VII [...]

P-47D Thunderbolt Razorback

1/32 P-47D Thunderbolt Razorback by Trumpeter. I think the Razorback version is much nicer than the later Bubbletop. The kit is of excellent quality. In terms of price, it belongs to the cheap kits, but I was very surprised by the quality [...]

TAKOM 1/35 AH-64 DI Saraf

Although I mostly and like to build biplanes from the WWI era, sometimes I allow myself to fly a little elsewhere and build something completely different for a break. The TAKOM AH-64 DI Saraf kit in 1/35 scale was supposed to be just that [...]

The Caudron G.III from Copper State Models is my...

The Caudron G.III from Copper State Models is my first model build from this manufacturer. I was very surprised by the high quality of the kit. The construction of the model itself is basically simple. The quality of the moldings is [...]