200 articles · 13.4K karma · 36 friends · active 8 hours, 22 minutes ago

Retired US Navy Senior Chief working as a production supervisor in Seattle.

The story so far……

First, Milineals...or however you spell it, God bless ya and your love of beer in cans...No, just no. One of my favorites, I saw it in cans for much less than in a big bottle. I'll try it, the kids at work say "No Rob it's not like [...]

What have I gotten myself into…

Ok, so every year when my company gives us our bonus, I choose a kit I would normally not spend the money on, a pat on the back for surviving another year (actually I love my company, so surviving is easy). In the past I have gotten 1/32 [...]

Torp in the water! Another Monogram Classic done

well here she is my 1974 issue Monogram TBD-1. I painter her as a bomber from the USS Yorktown at the Battle of the Coral Sea. Scratchbuilt seats and interior details, Eduard seat belts. One of the interesting things I discovered while [...]

USS Lexington found by Paul Allen

Amazing! The fact that I am building a Coral Sea Devastator makes it all even better! (link)

I'm a believer!!!

Well my beer is anyway! Work on the TBD continues. Lots of scratch building, and some Eduard seat belts. Next close up the fuselage and some sanding.

Here's one for G.Ley Landing Gear check! Or as we say in the USN Drop Check!

I thought Mr Ley's jack stands were just wonderful and for those that may not have seen the real think in action here is one of my C-2 getting raised up on jacks for comparison. on C-2s you always start with the mains then raise the [...]

Seasons greetings, a year in review and more!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that to all in iModeler land! I like doing year in review, so maybe you guys could post your years out put as well. Also I have made progress on my Devastator, scratch building interior parts. The [...]

Modeling time capsules, unboxing a classic Monogram kit

I have a thing for Monogram kits. Not just the nostalgia, which there is a great deal for me, but because they are still decent kits at a good price. I frequent a local hobby shop here in Seattle called Skyway Models. Emil the owner has [...]

Devastation continues in the cockpit…and apparently Kate will be here for Christmas….

Ok, maybe that was a stretch...nah...As I continued on my Monogram Devastator my Hasegawa Kate kept calling me from my stash, so I decided to do a dual build with both being Coral Sea birds. I will need to modify a 1/48 torp I have for [...]

COD in the water……….

The C-2 Greyhound community is small in the US Navy, and today we learned that an aircraft from my old squadron VRC 30, Det 5 lost an aircraft on the way to the USS Ronald Regan. 11 aboard, 8 rescued alive 3 missing. I still know several [...]