Retired US Navy Senior Chief working as a production supervisor in Seattle.
The second Eduard 1/48 I built, I can't seem to locate the pictures from my first build. A few errors here and there, but I really love these kits fiddly, but fun and the weekend ones are a great value. I chose "Brown 17" since [...]
VPB 150 built from the newish 1/48 Revell kit. I really enjoyed the build EXCEPT for the bomb bay doors! Other than that though great fit, a few mistakes on my part here and there. I bought aftermarket props and engines (can't remember [...]
Well not to be a headline hog, but figured I'd add a Tank to the mix. I love armor as well.
Yellow Wings decals,fully rescribed and riveted, a lot of scratchbuilding in the interior, then just careful fitting and sanding to get a clean build. Haven't seen the Great Wall one, but I think these old legacy kits are a lot of fun and [...]
Built shortly before I moved not a great kit, but fun and looks ok once done. Curbside for sure not much detail.
Last kit completed before I moved to Seattle, haven't gotten my spot set up yet here to keep work going on my F-84.