44 articles · 4.4K karma · 13 friends · active 1 day, 5 hours ago

I'll build anything, but primarily WWII Navy aircraft, with a particular interest in transition aircraft from just prior to the war starting - the stuff that was obsolete but went to war anyway.

World War II Dive Bombers

For several years I had a goal of building 1/48 scale models of all the Navy dive-bombers that saw action in WWII. I'd been fascinated with dive-bombing ever since I read Walter Lord's book "Incredible Victory", and saw the [...]

Polar Lights Starship Enterprise 1/350th scale

Last October or so, I casually mentioned to my son that I had an interest in building an Enterprise model, thinking someday I would build one of the AMT 18" models. My son, however, went right out and bought me the gigantic Polar [...]

1/48 Monogram XJD-1 Target Tug

I was searching the internet for photos of this aircraft when I first encountered iModeler.com. I signed up right away, and this is the first model I've completed as a member. My model represents one of two A-26C Invaders aircraft the [...]

Douglas BD-2 Navy two-engine utility

This is my first post on Imodeler. I recently finished this AMT 1/48 scale Douglas BD-2 (A20) Havoc. It is based on a photo of an actual aircraft (Bu 7095). The Navy took possession of several A20's from the Army and used them for [...]