172 articles · 9.6K karma · 20 friends · active 14 hours, 11 minutes ago

Three things accompany and fascinate me throughout my life: history, the fine arts and the fascination of aeroplanes and ships. In the many aspects of model making, these fascinations come together quite happily.

In this respect, I take the freedom to build anything and in any scale that occupies me. In practice, these are mainly aircraft in 1:48 and 1:32 scale, but lately the 1:72 and even the 1:144 scale have developed a great fascination for me.

As a child of the 1970s, I am aware of the scale in which the offers, possibilities and demands in plastic modelling have developed: we are living in truly great times... aren't we?

An early B-17: before the Flying Fortress became a legend!

Does a B-17 Flying Fortress really need to be presented in modelling circles? Probably not, if it is a representative of the thousands of E, F or G versions built, but very well, if one is faced with the early variant B-17B as in this [...]

Accepted as stand-ins, others get the speaking roles: two GAZ-51(A) lorries with the UPG-250GM and PSG-65/130B superstructures

With this model presentation, I can dispense with any pretence of being an "expert": I am simply not familiar with lorries, especially those used by the military. The question as to why I have then - with no small effort, as will [...]

A hornet without its stingers: F/A-18B in action at the National Air and Space Agency NASA

A fully equipped F/A-18 Hornet in civilian hands? Is there such a thing? Surprisingly, you don't have to look far to answer yes: the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been operating a small fleet of F/A-18 Hornets [...]

I almost got hooked: my experience with Amodel's gigantic Mi-22!

The Mi-6 "Hook" from Amodel is a real challenge in many respects. The fact that I have built two of them in parallel is directly related to this: solutions that have been found in one model should be given the chance to prove [...]

Travelling globally at Mach 3.5: the future looked so limitless! Boeing 7207, America's Supersonic Transport of the 70s!

Europe's Concorde, the Soviet Union's Tupolev Tu-144 - and the USA's Boeing 2707: this is what the world of supersonic passenger aviation would have looked like from the 1970s onwards according to US plans. It was obvious that the American [...]

The Mil Mi-6 ‘Hook’, a truly record-breaking giant!

The heavy transport helicopter presented here not only occupies a special place among Soviet designs, but also stands out among all rotorcraft designs of its time. From the time of its first flight in June 1957, this giant was the largest [...]

Lancaster or York? Definitely a Lancastrian! Avro Lancastrian VH-EAS, Qantas 1949

The name "Lancastrian" may sound strange to uninitiated ears, but it has significance and weight in English history: the aristocratic party of the House of Lancaster had fought with the supporters of the House of York in the [...]

A civilian "Mossie" and Niels Bohr in need of oxygen? Well, that sounds confusing, but interesting: BOAC's DH.98 Mosquito and the "ball bearing runs" Britain-Sweden

Christopher Nolan's latest major film "Oppenheimer" offers many haunting scenes, but one in particular has stuck in my mind for a special reason. The character, who plays the Danish nuclear physicist Niels Bohr, has just arrived [...]

A model that I originally didn't want to build at allbut which was (and still is!) a lot of fun: Zlin 137 Agro

The path to building this model of the Zlin 137 Agro is so entertainingly winding and full of twists and turns that I would like to start this report with a description of it. Sometimes the journey changes the perspective in such a way [...]

What a sight! McDonnell Douglas DC-10 Air Tanker

With some modelling projects, it is quite clear what motivated you to build them. In the case of the rare DC-10 modification presented here, I can easily identify three factors that I would like to present below. Fascination number one: [...]