172 articles · 9.6K karma · 20 friends · active 13 hours, 55 minutes ago

Three things accompany and fascinate me throughout my life: history, the fine arts and the fascination of aeroplanes and ships. In the many aspects of model making, these fascinations come together quite happily.

In this respect, I take the freedom to build anything and in any scale that occupies me. In practice, these are mainly aircraft in 1:48 and 1:32 scale, but lately the 1:72 and even the 1:144 scale have developed a great fascination for me.

As a child of the 1970s, I am aware of the scale in which the offers, possibilities and demands in plastic modelling have developed: we are living in truly great times... aren't we?

The last of the giants: Airbus A-380

The small miniature scale of 1:144 and the experience of impressive size, which can only be handled with caution above the "airspace" of the workbench or squeezed into the limited room of an airbrush extraction cabin, do not [...]

From sporty Hawk to good-natured Maggie: Miles Magister Mk.I

It is hard to believe that such a conventional-looking aircraft as the Miles Magister came out of an aircraft factory that was virtually famous for unconventionally designed aircraft and novel concepts! Even if Miles Aircraft was not [...]

„En Condor over Danmark!“ The Fw 200A "Jutlandia" in service with DDL

Coincidences, especially chance encounters, are a popular literary topos to start great stories. The already legendary story of the Fw 200 Condor can also boast such an incident: in March 1936, Dr Kurt Tank, who had recently become head of [...]

15 minutes of fame for a de Havilland Gipsy Major I or: from the spotlight into the darkness. A detailed story from the construction of the Miles Magister by Mikro Mir.

Do you know this too? Sometimes kits contain whole jewels of modelling, such as a wonderfully reproduced radio equipment, a detailed navigator's workstation or a promisingly detailed engine, which then in the further building process are [...]

A rare bird, but all the more worth seeing: de Havilland's DH.91 "Albatross"!

DH.91 Albatross/ "Fingal The type designation "Albatross" seems well chosen for the de Havilland DH.91. The wide-span wing tips, which thin out to form an elegant point, are analogous to the wings of the mighty sea bird [...]

The Bandeirante! A Tornado F.3 and its fiery end

About the Tornado F.3 ADV The F.3 ADV is probably the most easily recognisable of the numerous versions derived from the Panavia Tornado swing-wing fighter-bomber: the extended nose cone and the underside of the fuselage adapted to carry [...]

…And the shark, it has teeth, And it wears them in the face… Tornado GR.1 “MiG Eater”

"Operation Granby" represented the British contribution to the military response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, carried out by an international alliance and under the title of UN Resolution 678. Better known are [...]

The "Hangar-Games" Part III: GPM's big hangar on a small scale

My search for photogenic backgrounds for photographing aircraft models led me to the cardboard models of the Polish manufacturer GPM. As a newcomer in the field of cardboard model building, I was surprised at how complex and at the same [...]

Mr. Rust's flight to Moscowhow a 19-year-old and his Cessna 172 made history.

Isn't it amazing how many contemporaries can still remember Mathias Rust's flight to Moscow? 36 years have passed since that 28 May 1987, and yet the act of the then very young pilot remains present to the public. It is interesting to [...]

“If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea” Charles Lindbergh and the Ryan NYP “Spirit of St. Louis”

Is it an exaggeration to say that hardly any aircraft silhouette is better known than that of the Ryan NYP "Spirit of St. Louis"? This is rivalled only by the fame of its pilot, Charles Lindbergh. His dazzling and peculiarly [...]