4 articles · 335 karma · 3 friends · active 4 years, 3 months ago

I started building plastic models 2-3 years ago while I was grounded at home after a knee surgery. My second model was a 1:72 Roden Pfalz DIII and this got me hooked to building biplanes. I work in all 3 major scales (1:72, 1:48 and 1:32), trying to have one of each scale completed every year. Trying to get the hand of painting figures at the moment, but my su

WnW Fe.2b, 6341 “Zanzibar #1”

Hello fellow modellers, this project is finished. I had immense fun building it and I can strongly reccomend this kit to anyoine that is not afraid of a bit more rigging than usually 🙂 I used Gaspatch guns and turnbucles, Modelkasten [...]

Army Type Otsu 1 / Salmson 2A2 – Gaspatch models 1/48

Dear Fellow modelers, This is my latest project - the first Japanese mass production aircraft. After WWI, the Salmson 2A2 reconnaissance aircraft was produced in Japan under license and the name of Army Type Otsu 1. Approximately 1000 [...]

Roland DVIa – WnW 1:32

Well, this is just another Roland from WnW, but this plane is so beautiful and the kit from WnW is so good that the results are usually spectacular. I really, really like the slender, wooden, shark like designs of some German WWI scouts [...]

Bristol F2b fighter “the crocodile”

Bristol Fighter is one of the most succesfull two seaters of WWI and a really beautiful bird. I built this kit last year for the FSM WWI GB. This is the 1:48 Eduard limited edition kit, with decals for just one camo scheme - the crocodile. [...]