54 articles · 2.4K karma · 13 friends · active 22 hours, 35 minutes ago

Retired aircraft mechanic (Airlines) and former bush-pilot (Northern Canada).
Have been an IPMS member for 40+ years, and building models (and the stash!) forever.
My interests are RCAF aircraft, WW2 and post war aircraft, armor, and subs/ships.

Tamiya 1/48 HE-219A-7 'Uhu'

This is Tamiya's HE-219 'Uhu'. Belts and rear cockpit details were added, as well as opening the wing and tail heater exhaust, detailing the wheel wells, adding brake lines, and opening up the torque links. Nav lights are colored Bingo [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 BF-109F-2, Werner Molders, JG51, July, 1941

This is another Hasegawa BF-109, this time it's an F-2, flown by Werner Molders in 1941. I added belts and cockpit details, corrected the wheel wells and added brake lines. Paints are Tamiya acrylic, weathering with oils and pastels, and [...]

BF-109F-4 Hermann Graf, 1/48 Hasegawa

This is Hasegawa's 1/48 BF-109F-4 in Hermann Graf's markings, 9/JG52, May 1942. Built mostly OOB, with details and harnesses added to cockpit, corrected wheel wells and brake lines. Kit decals which behaved flawlessly, and Tamiya acrylics, [...]

Colonel John S. Chennault's 'Bengal Tiger' P-40E, Adak, Alaska.

This is another Amtech 1/48 P-40E Warhawk, built at the same time as the Robert L. Scott one (Claire Chennault 'gifted' the former to Scott, and his son flew this one!). Every one of the 11 FS, 343 FG aircraft had a slightly different [...]

1/48 P-40E Warhawk, Colonel Robert L. Scott

This is the Amtech (AMT) P-40E Warhawk, finished as 'Old Exterminator' of Col. Robert L. Scott of the AVG. While the kit itself is an easy build, to bring it up to acceptable standards requires a resin cockpit, wheels, seat, photo etch [...]

Vacuforming canopies, the hard (and slow) way.

After many unsatisfactory attempts, I've found a way to vacuform satisfactory canopies ... ... mount canopy on plasticene .. ... box and make a female mold with casting silicone, using a pressure pot at 40 PSI (eliminates bubbles) ... ... [...]

Tamiya P-51D, 'Petie 2nd', John C. Meyer.

This is the Tamiya 1/48 P-51D Mustang, marked as John C. Meyer's "Petie 2nd". Typical of Tamiya, easy assembly and a nice fit. The only weak points are the wheel well not going back to the spar, and a prop that is too wide and [...]

1/48 P-51 D, 'Miss Marilyn II'

This is the early ICM (Tamiya knockoff) 1/48 P-51D Mustang, marked as "Miss Marilyn II". As an early ICM kit, there were a number of challenges, HUGE sink marks, short shots, incorrect detail parts copied from other kits, and a [...]

Revell 1/144 Type VIIc U-boat, U-96, the 'laughing sawfish'.

This is Revell's original issue Type VIIc U-boat in 1/144. I replaced the ladders and tower handrails with brass wire, thinned the kit winter garden and hull handrails, detailed the guns, and removed the round sockets that were molded on [...]

U-123 , Type IXb U-boat, Operation 'Drumbeat', 1942

Something different for me, I tried a sub! This is Academy's 1/150 Type IXb U-boat that was kitted as a motorized pool toy! It was accurate in size and outline, but very basic, had a huge, square keel to house a single electric motor and a [...]