37 articles · 3.1K karma · 7 friends · active 1 month, 1 week ago

Hi my name is David, I'm originally from the West Texas town of El Paso and I'm currently living in Hampton, Virginia next door to Langley Air Force Base, I've been building models since my old man brought home a Revell 1/82 or so A3J Vigilante. I remember him saying, "wait for the glue to dry!", I was so eager to play with it. I must have been 5 or 6 at the time. Ever since then I've been hooked by scale modeling. Now I'm more a collector (some would say a sick hoarder) than builder I still enjoy modeling very much.

Some of my models are recent builds and some are old, but I don't think that matters. I'm a photographer and have worked as one professionally and currently I work for a camera manufacturer assisting customers. I grew up building Airfix kits sold under the MPC label in the US. I'm a film shooter but do have digital cameras as well.

Classic Kit: FROG 1/72 Ta-152H Tweaked

I first heard about the Ta-152 in the popular magazine "1001 Modeling Ideas" around 1972 in an article on how to build one using parts from various Lindberg kits. The article showed by using the Lindberg FW190D how to begin. The [...]

Short Run Kit: WK 1/72 Heinkel He70

I don't remember how I ended up with this kit and I'm not familiar with WK models. The plastic was hard reddish brown with a rough surface just like early MPM kits. Maybe MPM made the molds for the kit. It did sit on the to do pile in [...]

Classic Kit: Airfix 1/72 Vought F4U Corsair No. 115 1964

This is an older build but I did document the building process. I had spare parts from Hasegawa and True Details that I used to add detail. I used a Squadron vac-form canopy as well. As can be seen the clear parts are dismal as is the [...]

Classic Kit: Aurora 1/48 P-38 Restoration

This is a labor of love. I wanted to see if I could build a broken relic into something presentable. I learned about the P-38 when I build this kit as a child and I would fly it around outside shooting down me109s and what have you. The [...]

Classic Kit: Revell 1/72 F4F-4 Wildcat No. H-639 1961

The model was part of Revell's 1/72 series of WW1 and WWII fighters issued in the early 1960s. I learned about the exploits of Wildcats at Wake Island in the 5th grade and I had to build a model of it. This kit was later issued in a 3 [...]

Classic Kit: Matchbox Messerschmitt Me110 No. PK-115 1:72 1976

The Matchbox Me110 is a simple kit as is common with their line of kits. It is molded in yellow, and brown and does not have the deeply engraved panel lines (well maybe a few) common with earlier kits. I built it out of box and marked [...]

Classic Kit: Revell 1/48 P-51D No. H31

Not to be confused with the Monogram 1/48 P-51D which was issued about the same time, the Revell P-51D builds up nicely. It does not have the removable panels like the Monogram version. That is one good thing going for it. I built it [...]

Photos From the Military Aviation Museum

Here is a small sampling of some of my photos made during visits to the Military Aviation Museum (MAM) in Pungo, Virginia just outside of Virginia Beach. The last time was during their airshow on Oct 2, 2021. The runway is grass and the [...]

Classic Kit: Revell 1/72 Junkers JU88A No. H-113 1967

This is an old build of one of my favorite models from Revell. It was issued in 1967 and Revell took it's measurements off the real aircraft at the USAF Museum. That is why it can also be built as a D version since the one the USAF has [...]

Classic Kit: Revell 1/72 A-20 No. H-115-130

Here's an older build of the classic Revell 1/72 A-20 which was initially released in 1967. The kit is a nice simple model very similar to the Ju-88A which came out at about the same time. That box art really excited me and I still think [...]