130 articles · 11.9K karma · 17 friends · active 1 week, 3 days ago

I have been interested in the building aspect of model making. I love building dirty trucks that look used. Show trucks are great to look at but built-to-look used is what does it for me. I've been building trucks since 2011. Before that I've been building modern military vehicles since 2002. Must say that truck building is fun and nicer on the eyes, if you old chaps know what I mean.

A Slum Story Part II

Added more figures to the 'A Slum Story' diorama, I was working on before. The guy with the shark around his shoulder is a definite 'humour' catcher. 🙂 along with the guy listening to his radio, and the lonely guy behind the wall, [...]

Band of Gangsters

This is a vignette I re-did from a previous vignette. I changed out the base and removed the previous figures and added these newer in its place. I did this to improve my figure painting. Still not there yet, but getting there.

A Slum Story

I have one or two more figures to add, but I am still waiting for them to arrive. I might add a few more details as well, but so far, this is what it looks like. I used several reference photos that this diorama was based off. I tried to [...]

'Kwame needs his rest'

I'm personally liking this so far. Not the absolute best but for my capabilities, with figure painting, I like the results. Just need to clean up a little in some areas but the end results are looking positive. At least in my eyes.

Making a realistic bushMy Way! ( very easy)

My method of making this bush: I used Grey Roof Lichen(Latin name: Bryoria capillaris), which I collected from a fallen pine tree in my back yard. There's lots of this stuff. You can also use natural twine rope, which most modellers use. [...]

Forest Find

I upgraded this diorama, that I had made sometime ago. I removed a couple of trees and added extra under growth and static grass, and some bushes, as well as change out some scenery accessories. I also removed the passenger side door to be [...]

'Its all about the weathering'

A collage of weathering objects done over a few short years. I've obviously done more but these are the ones I picked out with most weathering.

The Yard

This scene is similar to somewhere or anywhere in the world. If you have seen something similar or very similar than you know what I mean. The scale is 1:35.

It's the little things that count

The scale for these little equipment is 1:24

'Australian Road Train in the outbacks'

I started on a commission project commissioned by Fredrik. The theme of this project is an 'Austrailian Road Train in the outbacks'. Fredrik wanted a weathered three trailer combo with loads, placed on an outback diorama. The diorama is [...]