2 articles · 314 karma · 6 friends · active 7 years, 3 months ago

I am a modeler with my main interest in aviation with some armor interest as well. My 9-5 job is an EC145 (Bk-117C-2) Technician (A&P) for a central Indiana EMS Provider. I work at a local hobby shop 2 days a week as well to help other modelers in the hobby.

D.520 AMS Relief Project

This D.520 was a build with 2 other guys, each building our own, for relief from AMS from our current projects that had us a bit frustrated. So we decided to build the Tamiya 1/48 D.520 out of the box for the most part. I added some Tamiya [...]

Bf-109G-4 1/32 Promodeler

I started this and a Hasegawa 109G-6 together over 4+ years ago working along with the Floyd Werner video for building the Hasegawa 1/32 109's. It was shelved for a reason I can't remember and I pulled the G-4 down for completion just over [...]