1563 articles · 34.6K karma · 0 friends · active 1 year, 1 month ago

Interesting modeling videos found on Youtube, curated by the iModeler staff

Video: KOTARE 1/32 Spitfire Mk.Ia (Mid) Review, excellent kit

K32001 Kotare 1/32 Spitfire Mk.Ia (Mid) Highly recommended! High quality injection moulded plastic scale model kit set requiring assembly and paint - 117 high-quality injection moulded plastic parts - 35cm wingspan - Optional DeHavilland [...]

Video: Plastic Model Glue Joints

This video presents the problems associated with the use of an excess amount of solvent cement. Brought this one back for the boys at the "ON THE BENCH PODCAST " (link)

Video: Adeptus Custodes Venerable Land Raider - 24 Carats Gold - 28mmTank Model

Review: Takom 1/35 AH-64 Apache Review

Review: Academy 1/48 A-10C Thunderbolt II Review

Review: PM Models show 22nd March 2023

Video: TAMIYA F-14A Eagle? Full Video Build (Top Gun 2 Maverick Movie Tomcat)

The best Tomcat in any scale... 1/48th scale TAMIYA F-14A TOMCAT. Movie Collection No.9 Decals from DefModels. Highly recommended!

Review: Border 1/35 DKM Type VII-C U-Boat Review

Video: Transforming a Model into History: building a Museum Diorama with two 3D ANYCUBICs and a Laser.

Review: AMK 1/48 Mi -17 HIP Review