1536 articles · 33.9K karma · 0 friends · active 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Interesting modeling videos found on Youtube, curated by the iModeler staff
This was a really cool surprise, that I wish I was more alert to enjoy, but I'll do that once I get started on this thing.
Again thanks to all mentioned in the video, links for their channels are right here:
Tokyo Model [...]
Academy 1/48 SBD-5 Dauntless
No.12329 Very nice kit, ex Accurate Miniatures tooling from 1997!
I am NOT! being paid to promote this kit, paints, tools and to make this video! Thanks!
Music info:
Best licensed [...]
A "Guide to Resistance Soldering by David Brandreth (link) is an engaging and extremely complete explanation of how to use resistance soldering for scale model construction. It is a must-see for anyone that works with photoetch or [...]
Okay, I wasn't expecting to build two B-17's this past year. I bought this in the early summer and the more I looked at the parts the more I wanted to build this kit! I guess in a way I couldn't resist as the B-17 is my favourite [...]