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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

Where do project ideas come from? ...

November 21, 2017 · in Aviation · · 24 · 2.3K

For the first time, at the beginning of the year I set up a proposed build plan for 2017. I didn't come anywhere close! "Best laid plans of mice and men..."

However, I've now gotten a wild hair to build a representation of aircraft of S. America. I think it started when I was building the F-5F Tiger II for the Year of the Cat build, and opened an old kit in my stash - a Testor F-5E - looking for a single seat Sundowners companion to the F. It was mostly build, and not built very well, so I didn't want to make that the Sundowner. However, I stumbled across a pic of a Brazilian F-5EM, and decided it wouldn't take long to finish it and paint it up in that scheme. One thought led to another (I had recently finished an Ecuadorian Kfir), and I started researching aircraft of other S. American services.

I'm already down the path! I've got a Sufa kit that I'll convert into a Chilean F-16 Peace Puma, (already bought some decals...more on that). I have everything I need in my stash except the K-8, and Trumpeter has a kit in that I may make a Christmas wish list item.

I know I'll be interrupted by other builds (WWII stuff - and maybe an F-4), but I'm setting my sights on Memorial Day of 2019 (yep - about a year and a half) to have at least 1 from each country represented. Here's a quick look at what I'm thinking so far. Some of these kits I'll need to secure some conversion sets for (if I can still find them), and most will need AM decals.

If you want to join me, I wasn't planning on making this a group build thing, but it would be enjoyable to see a few other S. American subjects thrown into the mix along the way!

An Argentine Pucara

And a Super Etendard - also from Argentina

The Chilean F-16 Peace Puma

Peruvian Mirage 2000

Tucano from Venezuela

K-8, also Venezuela

Su-30 - Venezuela (couldn't resist this!)

A-37 - Uraguay

Colombian Kfir C.10 (need the Duarte conversion set...)

Bolivian KA-8

Bolivian T-33 - gotta love the color scheme!

The Brazilian F-5EM that started it all.

Ecuador is already represented by my earlier Kfir.

By the way - about decals. I bought the only set I could find for the Chilean F-16, and it was for a single-seater, but in the right color (white). Unfortunately, with the dual-seat Sufa I'm using, I need two additional warning triangles (in white) to go under the canopy, and I cannot seem to find another set of anything that contains those in white - most are grey. If you happen to have (in 1/72) from some old decal sets, I've love to take them off your hands!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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24 responses

  1. A nice collection of photos nonetheless. 🙂

  2. And going further back, lots of P-47s, B-25s, Hunters, Meteors, T-6s. Corsairs, Cuban Sea Furys. Limited only by decal availability, and photos..

  3. It looks like a fascinating project. There are some interesting aircraft pictured. I'd love to spend some time in the T-37 ... or ANY of them, for that matter!

  4. Greg, this is a really cool project - lots of options, and well off the beaten path. Good luck with finding the conversions and decals!

  5. That's some interesting material you've just thrown in. My interest in the Mirage fighter is allready present,as I'm slowly working on a French 2000N and a French 3-R, both in 1:72 in the background. To add one of the S. American Mirages to my workspace would be nice. First I have to work on my Stuka, but it certainly has my interest.

  6. The Chilean Air Force used PT-19's as primary trainers for some years. I built an RC model of one in those markings a few years back, makes for something different...

    • I want at least one of those, from somebody, that isn't a vacuform or resin. Fairchild built them in Hagerstown, up the road a piece. I saw one in a local scrapyard, years ago. My allowance wouldn't cover it.

      • Bernard, you would think that as many of those that were built and used, someone would do a model of one. Planet Models does a 1/48 PT-19 in resin and Easy Built and Dumas both have balsa and tissue kits . You could probably make pretty nice models out of the last two and I bet they're cheaper (and bigger) than the resin! And you could fly them if the urge moved you. Add a canopy and you have a PT-26..

  7. A37!.. do the a37 Greg, it looks soooo cool.

  8. Love the Bolivian T-33!

  9. And they armed them! Just like their sire, the F-80. One of the reasons the Bay of Pigs failed, the Cubans had them armed, so the CIA crewed B-26s were meat on the table. Them and the Sea Furies. Another intell failure!

  10. Greg, what is a K-8? New one on me, don't get arpund much anymore, as the song says.

    • Chinese built - known as the Hondu JL-8. Designed as a trainer, but like most modern trainers can be converted to light attack. Also known as the Karakorum K-8.

    • Good idea Greg, I have a Tucano to do in Brazilian aero scheme, and Bernard have you forgotten my posting of 25-10-2017 in Pakistan scheme ?

      • Aaauugh! Uncle Bernie had a senior moment, which seems to be expanding into the hours. Trainers/light attack seem to be one of my interests. And Pakistan does have some interesting aircraft, being neutral, sorta. Thanks for reminding me, time for my nap/meds.

  11. Looking forward to see this project of yours come to pass Greg, post your progress, it would be great to follow.

  12. I know how you feel, Greg, 2017 was supposed to be the year of the Porsche for me, with a target of 12 completed models, I've actually finished five. I've posted two on iModeler so far, the other three should make it before the end of the year. Some of the kits I planned to build just aren't available at the moment, and, I got distracted... I haven't any plans for next year yet. Your South American planes look great and will make an interesting and colourful collection, look forward to seeing one very soon.

  13. This looks like a very interesting idea Greg. I'll be watching for sure. I have a set of markings for a Brazilian P-47... just sayin' ... 🙂

  14. Don't forget the Soccer War Corsairs...

  15. Interesting, very interesting. Check out FCM and Aztec decals for aircraft and Zotz for country roundels

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