The 1/35 Database at iModeler

1411 articles
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  • Last addition 3 years, 5 months ago

1/35 scale modeling

Review: Border models 1/35 Bf109 G-6 review

The Old Chieftain

I’ve been on an armor kick this summer and this 1/35 Tamiya Chieftain was the first kit I completed of several started. I used Tamiya paints and AK weathering materials. It was a good out of the box build to start getting some of my [...]

Kübelwagen Östfront Tamiya 1/35 it badly missing parts and bits...finished anyway...hope you like it...

T-34/76 ChTZ.

Helo. This model is very very old. Its the ancient Italeri kit with a copied in resin Dragon turret. I added the cuppola to make the later version. Its full of errors. I added from time to time new parts and details. The track is from [...]

AFV Club, M-113 ACAV in 1/35

Hi everyone, AFV Club, M-113 ACAV, Vietnam, in 1/35. Colors and weathering effects by: Tamiya, Ammo-Mig, AK. Have a great day!

12.8 cm PAK 44 Waffenträger Krupp 1, Trumpeter 1/35

Something different, amazing kit from Trumpeter. Enjoy the pictures

Loading up.....

This is the 3rd of my 3 1/35 scale projects that I've had going at the same time. Now my bench is clear for my new projects I'm about to start. This is a German recovery crew loading up a captured Soviet T-70 onto a Sonderanhanger 10 Ton [...]


This is number 2 of 3 builds I've had going on at the same time, and all just getting finishing touches added to them before I have been able to declare them 'finished'. So this one is now... 'finished' (The first of the 3 was my previous [...]


Out of the US heavy tanks prototypes of WW2, the T29 is one of my favorite due to its large rangefinders. This is also my first time building a Takom model and I enjoyed it very much. While building, I also heard the story of and IS2 named [...]

1/35 Takom Jagdpanther and flat-bed railcar (Plattformwagen)

This is a 3-in-1 kit containing the tank, railcar, and railway tracks. So with just a few wee added extras and some figures it really came to life. I wanted to show a bit of life with the tank getting ready for transporting instead of it [...]