1/32 scale modeling
1474 articles
Spitfire Mk. IX; RAF / Free France A.F. Squadron 602 „City of Glasgow“; 1944
Model Kit is a Pacific Coast model in scale 1:32
The enrollment LOD and the roundels on the wings are injected.
The templates of the letters were made of [...]
This Hasegawa Ki.44-1b "Shoki" is built essentially out of the box, other than the use of Eduard JAAF seatbelts. It depicts a Ki.44 flown on home defense by the 47th Sentai, the most effective unit flying the Ki.44 in opposing [...]
Hey there's a theme here somewhere's. Here's my 1/32 Hasegawa Hien, in the colors of 18 Sentai, on home defense. Some pretty tailfeathers I think. All markings are sprayed on 'cept numbers and letters and the kill eagles. Base is my usual [...]
This is the beautiful Hasegawa ki.61-I tei, converted from the Ki.61-I hei using the Wolfpack resin nose for the extended cowling to make the "long nose" Tony. It is marked as the well-known "celebrity" Tony flown by [...]
Here's a shot of of my p51's interior.
There's something appealing about the more muscular shape of the Spit XIV. At the time I built this one PCM had not yet produced their XIV & the only way to get one was to use their Spitfire Mk.IX kit, do some serious surgery & add [...]
This was a review in 2009 when the Dragon Bf-110C-7 was first released. Overall, this kit is an ill-fitting pain in the posterior which, if you persist with it, will turn into a very good-looking model in the end. The trick with this [...]
The Gladiator has been one of my favorite models since first reading about the Sea Gladiators of Malta in a wartime British propaganda publication, "The Malta Campaign" (which kinda/sorta sticks to the facts, maybe) when I was a [...]
Seeing Bill's version of this kit, I thought I'd present mine. Same airplane, in "Slaves Pajamas" - the Vichy red/yellow markings. It's a second release of the kit. I found sanding down the cylinder heads aided fit inside the [...]
Subject Background:
In March of 1943, 25 F-6A/P-51s were assigned to the 154th Observation Squadron of the 15th Air Force stationed at Oujda in French Morocco, North Africa. While operating there, No. 225 Squadron of the RAF frequently [...]