1/32 scale modeling
1479 articles
What associations come to mind when you hear the keyword ‘USA around 1930’? Do images of the Great Depression, Prohibition and gangsters like Al Capone or Bonnie and Clyde come to mind? Or are they happier images full of an affinity [...]
One of this year's highlights was dedicating a significant portion of my work to WWII Japanese bombers and fighters—subjects I had previously avoided. However, I was captivated by their fuselage's weathered exteriors and textured [...]
Well what can I say? Hands down the best 1/32 scale kit I have ever had the pleasure to build. FINALLY a kit with absolutely zero flaws! Yes they are expensive kits (around 150.00 -200.00) but they should be twice that cost. The [...]
On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard sat in a glorified garbage can atop a converted ballistic missile and was lofted 263 miles from Cape Canaveral, FL to the North Atlantic just off the Bahamas. He sat in the cramped capsule for 4 hours before [...]
This kit was one of the worst I have ever built. Very bad pressings with thick burrs, so that sometimes it was not possible to tell where the burr ends and where the part begins. I had to confront the large parts with the drawing to get [...]
Hello all,
This my attempt at the Hasegawa 1/32 FW 190 A5 kit. I found this to be an easy and fun build. I was motivated by some great builds at the Vegas Nats. I was able to pick the kit and decals while I was there. I have always had a [...]
Inspired by the HAF Aegean blue F-4 (1/32), I repainted my work in 2022 (the last picture).
Watermelon Skin Phase: (the 2nd last pic)
In the past, I was more straightforward in my approach, so after completing one phase, I would stop, [...]
It is the most extended-scale model by its size I've ever built. I enjoy hand painting the weathering process by the finish stage.
Whenever I come across a few impressive historical photos, I can't help but want to try them. Working with a recycled piece like this is the perfect opportunity to experiment and see what’s possible! This scale model presenting the [...]
Hasegawa's big Warhawk kit has a similar mold style like other recent Hasegawa 1/32 scale aircraft. The models capture well the outlines of the aircraft. Surface textures are finely recessed, but the details are sparse and are sketchy for [...]