The 1/48 Database at iModeler

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1/48 scale modeling

Tamiya’s P-51B in the livery of Don S. Gentile’s “Shangri-La”. USAAF 4th Fighter Group early 1944.

My completed P-51B Shangri -La. I enjoyed this build which was mostly out of the box with the exception of the main landing gear wheels which are from Hussar. I also used the Lifelike Decals set for this aircraft. The build log can be [...]

Balkans Schmitt...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-10/U4 (WNF), Yugoslav Airforce

Built 6-10 years ago. Hasegawa kit, decals from Lift Here!, Humbrol enamel paints for upper camo, selfmixed acrylic paint for underside, don´t know which ones anymore. Brake lines and Eduard seatbelts added. Info about the original (link)

1/48 Tamiya Pzkw.V “Panther” Ausf G

Since the Sherman was so popular, here's another armor review from a few years back. After the war, German tank expert Hasso von Manteuffel told Basil Liddell-Hart that, "Tanks must be fast. That, I would say, is the most important [...]

Eduard Fokker D.VII, 1/48. ‘Du Doch Nicht! ’

My first build of 2021 was this brightly coloured Fokker D.VII, this was also my first and so far only subject from the First World War. This particular one was based on Fantasy of Flight's D.VII and was a Christmas gift from my other half [...]

Macchi MC 202 from Hasegawa

My version of the Hasegawa Macchi MC 202 presented for iModeler colleagues. This kit is just 'aces'! It builds so amazingly well. It is painted in Model Master enamels. The MC 202 Folgore mated the famed (and feared) DB 601A1, [...]

1/48 Trumpeter Vampire FB Mk 9

I actually started this model around 5 or 6 months ago for the De Havilland Group, but life jumped up and bit me on the backside. The virus got bad here in Texas and really slowed things down. Then my daughter had a baby (our first and [...]

Video: ICM 1:48 I-153 Chaika “Winter Version”

I've always liked the Chaika, and colors and markings of Finnish aircraft of WWII. So put them all together and you've got one snazzy I-153! I've heard that the engineering behind this kit is really good, and I was really impressed by how [...]

Red Tulip...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, JGr 50

All good things come in three, after the Bf109K-4 and Fw190A-5/U7, this is my dad´s third and last red tulip so far. Built in 2018. Eduard kit Bf109G-6 early version. Regarding the decals, funny thing is that the kit´s tulip decals are [...]

Accurate Miniatures Yak-1 on skis

This was a nice little kit that I've had tucked away for a decade or so-built in 2020 along with a dozen others. Part two of the VVS ski team-see my Stormovik, located somewhere in here.

AMT Douglas A-20G

My favorite twin-engined bomber of WWII, and probably the most iconic, as in overexposed, livery. Relatively straight forward and basic kit-another member of the 20/20 club, and another lockdown build.