The 1/48 Database at iModeler

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1/48 scale modeling

Spitfirepalooza: an Old Addition

Here’s one I did some years ago, the notorious Hasegawa Spitfire Mk. IX. I remember it being a typically good Hasegawa kit. The short nose is obvious and a bit distracting for me. Fortunately, the Eduard Spitfires have come along o give [...]

1/48 Seversky P-35A.

This is the recent Wolfpack re-issue of the Hobbycraft kit. While it is old, the basic plastic is pretty nice with a few accuracy issues. I remember building the HC P-35 around 1995 and enjoying it, so I thought I’d give this one a go. [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47D “Nut Cracker” 405th FG

This is one of my favourite all time markings for the P-47. The decals are from the Aeromaster Special "P-47's of the 405th FG" and I have quite a few more to build from this series of sheets (3 parts) if interested contact [...]

Fernando Soto's F4U-5NL (Hasegawa 1/48

Fernando Soto's Corsair, done back in 2003 with the Hasegawa 1/48 F4U-5N kit A little-known fact of Corsair operations is that of the six air forces that flew the type operationally, two used their Corsairs against each other in the last [...]

1/48 Rhodesian Air Force aircraft

This is my collection of 1/48 aircraft as used by the Southern Rhodesian Air Force and the Rhodesian Air Force. I cannot remember which kit is what make. All decals were home made. There are mods done to the Riems Cessna 337, the 2 x [...]

1/48 Eduard Spitfire IXc & Airfix Spitfire F.22

The IXc has been done as one of the aircraft flown by Jack Malloch when he was with 237 (Rhodesia) Sqn in Italy in 1945 and the F.22 has been done as the one he refurbished in Rhodesia in the late 1970's and eventually died in it, when it [...]

1/48 Airfix Sea Fury 805 Squadron RAN

This kits was built for club challenge "Airfix Cup" which has proved popular each year with a specific new tool Airfix being chosen as the subject matter. In 2019 it was the Sea Fury and I didn't finish mine until after the [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47D "Magic Carpet" 390th Fighter Squadron, 366th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force.

Zotz Decals Ultracast Seat and Wheels Tamiya/Mr Hobby Paints, Tamiya AS12, Alclad, Future Gloss and Xtracrylix Flat. Happy Modelling

1/48 Tamiya P-38G "Zirkus Rosarius"

In looking for something different I chose to my second Tamiya P-38 as a captured aircraft, albeit flown briefly, and evaluated by the Luftwaffe. I added Ultracast wheels, Eduard steel belts on kit seat and the guns are Master barrels set [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47D "Jabo" 405th FG

Since there is a post of the razorback same pilot / markings posted last day or so, here is the later aircraft flown by Bob Hartmann. Decals from Superscale with usual Ultrcast extras - wheels and seat. Paints are Tamiya / Mr Hobby [...]