The 325th FG Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with 325th FG
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 11 months ago

Stranger in a Strange Land: Fw 190 A-5, 325th FG, Lesina AB 1943

When dealing with World War II aviation, there is little opportunity to come across distinctly colourful or at least unusual paint schemes. Only in one area can one find a consistently high density of spectacular "special paint [...]

P-47D Razorback, by Monogram

P-47D Razorback, 325th FG (Checkertails), Revell-Monogram, 1/48 scale Greetings iModeler compadres. I present my Monogram-Revell P-47D Razorback, of the 325th FG (Checkertails) for your perusal, and hopefully enjoyment. This particular [...]

Under new Management...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, USAAF

Built in 2015. Hasegawa kit with Delta One Decals. Former JG77 bird captured by the 325th FG in North Africa. The unit´s CO, LtCol Baseler, let it paint black and red like his P-40. The aircraft was used some time as a hack and to scare [...]