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RAF Sabre

September 29, 2019 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.6K

So, a thirty year old kit, painted with thirty year old enamels and wearing twenty-five year old decals... bit of an 'old skool' project wouldn't you say ?

There honestly isn't too much to say, the kit really does fall together and is (happily) typical of those superb releases from the early 1990's, crisp detail, faultless molding with fuss-free engineering and construction - I really wish they would tool-up again and release some new kits, I know that's not going to happen, but there's nothing wrong with hope is there ?. The Eagle Strike decals behaved as if they were printed yesterday - utterly flawless and superbly printed by Cartograph, again, a company I really do miss.

That's just about it. Next will be another Hasegawa kit - a 1:72 Phantom, for a buddy-build not too far from this very forum ( 😉 ). Please feel free to criticise, ask a question or make any sort of comment. Have the rest of a great weekend folks, best from Middle Earth.


Reader reactions:
19  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Looks superb Ian!

  2. Great looking Sabre! Congratulations!

  3. Doesn't look a day over 29, Ian!

    An incredibly clean build and a terrific paint job - love it!

  4. Wow Ian, that old Sabre kit looks really nice in the camo scheme. Nicely done.

  5. Well...regardless of how "old" everything is, it sure turned out nice! 🙂

  6. Outstanding Job Ian! Really like how this looks.

  7. Very nice. Sabres look the best in camo

  8. Hurray for old school models like yours Ian, great work, very eye catching!

  9. Beautiful work and great result, Ian.

  10. To be honest, folks this very nearly was a West German aircraft using the RoG decals, but I couldn't resist Sqn. Ldr. Hutchinsons' 'special' and I've had the decals since they first came put, so... (and I've got a second kit stashed away).

    Thanks folks, appreciate the feedback and comments. As ever, never taken for granted.


  11. Great job, Ian. I build old kits all the time, but using paints that should have long since dried up and decals that should have broken into fragments when you put them in the water is nothing short of voodoo and magic. Maybe I will hang on to those yellowed decals for a while more. :o)

  12. Sounds like my entire stash. Good things keep happening from it just like yours. Well done.

  13. Old school rules! 😉 I like them too!
    Yours Sabre is superb, congratulations!

  14. Beautiful Sabre, Ian. Old kit or new, a Sabre is just easy on the eyes. This version, painted up like "Sqn. Ldr. Hutchinsons’ ‘special’ " as you so eloquently said, is a real eye-catcher!


    PS - If it weren't for "Old Skool;" we wouldn't be here! Olde Skool Rools!

  15. Superb Sabre! Looks awesome in this scheme. Is it time for second breakfast ?

  16. That's a great-looking Sabre! Those decals/markings really set it off. I didn't really think I needed another Sabre in my collection, but after seeing this one...I'm not so sure!

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