The Bismarck Database at iModeler

11 articles
  • Items tagged with Bismarck
  • 11 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 months, 1 week ago

Battleship Bismarck

1/350 Revell DKM Bismarck + Pontos Photoetch Set

Hi everyone, here is my latest ship 1:350 scale DKM Bismarck as she would have looked early March 1941 minus the air recognition symbols. Base kit is Revell and Pontos Photoetch set is added. The kit is old and the Pontos set is one of [...]

HMS Hood - May 1941

After over 30 years, I finally have a good 1/700 HMS Hood. The ship has always been one of my favorites, and I've held a spot at the top of the display case for her for a long time. I had (and still have) the 1/600 Airfix and 1/400 [...]

Oldies but Goodies

Here are some of my builds from 2013-15 era before we left Louisiana and moved to Minnesota. Sadly none of these build made it on the trek North and were either sold or given away. The kits pictured are as I recall: 1/350 Hobbyboss USS [...]

Oldie but Goldie: Tamiya 1/350 Bismarck

Here are some photos of my first ship built after >30 years: the classical Tamiya Bismarck. The only upgrades added to the kit were the decking and some generic DKM railing. Other departures from the kit were home made [...]

Flyhawk 1/700 Bismarck

this model has a sadly story. but first.i want to say these kits from Flyhawk are cant miss it. back to the story. i spend 18 days to make this model and i sell her. unlucky ,she is broken in Beijing.

DKM Bismarck 1/700

A couple of months ago I came back to the hobby after a long seven years without modelling anything... Since I got into model making I always wanted to build the Bismarck. 13 years ago I purchased Revell's 1/350 scale kit, back then the [...]

Sink the Bismarck! 1941.5.27

I used Bismarck, which I completed three years ago, to make a diorama. 1/700 Scale (Dragon) & 1/2000 Scale (Flyhawk)

1/200 Bismarck

Hi,all! It's my wood Bismarck.

1:350th Academy BISMARCK

Built straight from the box, using grey and red oxide "rattlecans" and brushes. Searchlights were enhanced using some crafters "crystal embelishments"...happy with the result considering i've been away from modelling [...]

Revell 1:1200 BISMARCK

(link) Two decades old ship in 1:1200 scale build from the box done for fun. I have not devoted Detailing and wire stretching. P.k