The C.202 Database at iModeler

18 articles
  • Items tagged with C.202
  • 18 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 months, 2 weeks ago

My attempt at the Hasegawa Macchi C.202 Folgore 1:48

I have liked the look of this airframe for some time now and wanted to attempt this kit. I waited until I had some more practice with the airbrush since I knew this was going to be a challenge. I also wanted to use masks for most of the [...]

Macchi Mc202 Folgore

This is my attempt at this new kit. It represents an aircraft that was sent to Russia help protect their infantry countrymen. This bird was a Breda built plane and features different camouflage than Macchi and SAI built airframes. I was [...]

Italeri 1/32 Macchi MC.202 Folgore

One I fancied doing since it was announced. The majority of the kit fits and goes together without any major issues but it is plagued with some strange engineering decisions. Having to place the landing gear so early in the build makes for [...]

48th scale Hasegawa Macchi C.202 Folgore

Greetings & salutations fellow modellers! I present to you all my latest "bird". This kit was purchased from my best friend for a mere $10 American. As he has multiple copies of this kit along with the C.205, it was no [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Macchi C.202 Folgore

Five models of the venerable Hasegawa Macchi Folgore.

1/48 Hasegawa Macchi 202

A tale of a build and a half. I built the sublime Hasegawa Macchi 202 quite some time ago. The kit is a super model with only one tricky part of the build and that's the gun troughs over the engine. Everything else is sweet. I used a True [...]

Machi Mc.202 Folgore (Italeri 1/72)

Hi all I haven't post here for a while, so I decided to post the little Italian stallion I just finished today. Machi Mc.202 Folgore (Italeri 1/72) representing a very well documented aircraft of the 51 Stormo, 153 Gruppo Autonomo, 374 [...]

‘Tennente una sigaretta ?’ (Cigarette Break ?) Italeir 1/72 Macchi MC.202 Folgore

In the summer of last year I did my first Italian aircraft, since I wanted to give my self a challenge I decided to go for this little beauty. The fit itself was very straightforward and a joy to build. The real challenge started when it [...]

AMT-FROG “Famous Fighters Series I” – Box Theme Build

This is a build I completed a few months ago of AMT-FROG Famous Fighters Series I, No. 3955-130, 1:72 (1967 boxing). I started work on the first plane this past September while involved with two different FB group builds on a totally [...]

Macchi MC 202 from Hasegawa

My version of the Hasegawa Macchi MC 202 presented for iModeler colleagues. This kit is just 'aces'! It builds so amazingly well. It is painted in Model Master enamels. The MC 202 Folgore mated the famed (and feared) DB 601A1, [...]