Douglas DC-4 - a four-engined propeller-driven airliner developed by the Douglas. It served during World War II, in the Berlin Airlift and into the 1960s in a military role
The DC-4 Database at iModeler
4 articles
1/144 TWA C-54.
This started life as a Berlin Airlift boxing of the Minicraft kit. I picked it up at a swap meet for $3. A deal too good to refuse! This is also how stashes grow exponentially, lol. Anyways, I was going to build it using the kit [...]
Pan Am Douglas DC-4 Clipper
The first trans-oceanic landplane after WWII.
1/144 Minicraft C-54/DC-4 in Early SAS Colors
I don't normally build airliners, and I never build anything that has a natural metal finish, but I wanted to do something for the SAS 75th Anniversary Group. I had the Minicraft C-54 kit lurking around, and I was able to find some decals [...]
Air Show Photos
Here are some photos I took today at the Pacific Coast Dream Machines show in Half Moon Bay, California. This is a great event for the local community as Proceeds benefit the Coastside Adult Day Health Center. I live right down the road [...]