The E-100 Database at iModeler

7 articles
  • Items tagged with E-100
  • 7 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 9 months ago

E-100 Ausf.B, What- If/1946 (1/72)

I bought this kit (Modelcollect, UA72068) second hand and therefore a few parts of the contents were missing. PE parts, a few other small parts and the tracks. I got the small PE set from Voyager Model (PE72005) to replace them, but the [...]

"Kaisertiger" E-100 1/72 by Skorp

The E-100 from Modelcollect with the Krupp-Turret in 1/72 is part of my rather big Battle of the bulge Diorama. This is my 1st article, I wanted to test for myself how my models are received here on this website and I'm looking forward to [...]

My adventure into the 1/72 scale part 1.5 (fail)

So, this didn’t work out. The plan is to have a stand-off diorama and the E-100 Jagdpanzer is way to big for this setup. And as I later discovered the E-100 is something that is found in World of Tanks but probably never been [...]

E-100 with V1 in 1/72 scale – What If

Dear iModelers! Another project is finished. And in this case, it is all based on a 'what if' project. The Panzerkampfwagen E-100 belongs to the so called „E-Serie“ which should replace the „Panthers“ and „Tigers“. Up until [...]

E-100 diorama “What if Tiger III” 1/72

Hello, a while ago i finished this "small" scale tank in 1/72 from Modelcollect. I was fun to work on something smaller that I usually do, I tried to focus on details and also I add a lot of my own ideas, these external armor [...]

E-100 What if … 1/72 Modelcollect

First attempt of "What if..." model kit. Just pure imagination.

12,8cm Zwillingsflak auf E-100 Fahrgestell

Images created during 2018 Moson Model Show at the iModeler booth.