The ESCI Database at iModeler

57 articles
  • Items tagged with ESCI
  • 57 articles
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  • Last addition 10 years, 8 months ago

ESCI model kits

1/48 ESCI Henschel Hs-129

This is the old 1/48 ESCI Hs-129, which still holds it's own, from a distance. Like most my others, it's OOB. It was the Eastern Front, winter scheme that caught my attention after building my first Hs-129 in standard Luftwaffe camo.

1/48 ESCI F-86 Sabre

The price was right, and I had some old decals laying around, so this old bird got thrown together. Even though it's not even up to Monogram's standards, it still looks ok for it's age. The interior leaves a lot to be desired, as do most [...]

Esci 1/9 BMW R/75

A4 Skyhawk ESCI 1/48

Some aircraft look best in certain colour schemes don't you think? the phantom looks best in U.S. navy colours,the Spitfire looks best in classic battle of Britain colours and for me the Skyhawk was born to wear Isreali 1970's camo. This [...]

Monogram 1/48 F-86 Sabre Capt. Joseph McConnell First Triple Jet Ace…

Ever since I saw the movie "The McConnell Story" with Alan Ladd I wanted to do his aircraft. This is the old monogram kit. Very nice kit but not as good as the newer ones out now. but back in the day when i did this one it was [...]

A bipe for those who fear rigging… though as far from ‘shake ‘n’ bake as it gets…

... while I'm grateful that this was kitted in 1/48 at all, there are some horrendous fit issues with this bugger. Before attempting, please stock up on files, putty, sandpaper, patience and your most powerful favorite beverage. This is [...]

1/48 F-4J

This is an Esci kit that I mproved with some parts from the spares box and scratchbuilt. These old Esci Phantoms build well, have recessed panel lines, and are pretty accurate in shape. They lack details in the cockpit and afterburner [...]