The F-104 Database at iModeler

56 articles
  • Items tagged with F-104
  • 56 articles
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  • Last addition 8 years, 3 months ago

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

F-104 Norwegian Air Force (In the air again)

I found this out recently. The Norwegian Air Force Historic Flight is active again with a TF-104 starfighter. Have to see. Regards, Dirk (link) (link) (link)

“Blue Jay Four have you got visual contact yet?”

This is Italeri's 1/72 F-104A done up as a ADC interceptor, going after UFO's. in the 1960's. Aside from the obvious fiction. it's a great little kit to build.

1/48 Hasegawa F-104G in Turkish Air Forces Service

This aircraft was assembled by Messerschmitt at their Manching facility with parts manufactured by Lockheed and made its maiden flight on November 5, 1962. It was flown by the following German squadrons – JaboG 33, JaboG 36, JaboG 32 and [...]

Italeri 1/72 F-104 G

Here is my gold medal in the Brazilian convention of 2013, my F-104 G. The kit is simple but with good fit, the weathering was not done in excess, because in general these planes were very well maintained. I hope you enjoy.

Hellenic Manned Missile

Hi Chaps, This is the Italeri 1/72 F104G not the best 1/72 scale 104 out there but still a nice little kit no vices a bit basic is the only fault but it builds easily enough the panel lines are a bit hit and miss here and there but a [...]

Italeri F-104S 1/32

Here is the Italeri F-104S, built out of the box apart from a couple of Airscale instrument decals and a Tamiya AIM-7 missile to replace the one in the kit. I used Zotz decals. Lots of fun to build!

Review: Eduard 1/48th F-104 Kit review

Lockheed F 104 C

Hasegawa's 1/48 scale rendition of Kelly Johnson's manned missile. This has to be the most colourful F 104 C ever. It depicts the first F 104 C that was delivered to Tactical Air Command at George AFB. I might be wrong, but I think it was [...]

F-104G Starfighter

Here's Italeri's new-tool,1/32 F104 Starfighter. I've modelled it as the RCAF CF-104G, nuclear strike version, Cold Lake, Alberta AB,1962, which is one of ten kit livery choices but I think the only NMF version. I used an Aires exhaust [...]

How many of you remember this?

(link) It came on right before the national anthem at 10:30 PM as the TV station was signing off for the night. This is one of the reasons I like F-104's...