Chance Vought F4U Corsair
248 articles
Here's my build of the very nice Hasegawa F4U-5 in the kit supplied markings of VF-14 Top Hats. Essentially out of the box with Model Master Glossy Sea Blue and a top coat of 50/50 Mr. Color Semi-gloss and gloss. I added just a bit of [...]
Ken Walsh was the first Corsair Ace while serving with VMF-124 arriving on Guadalcanal in February 1943. Walsh claimed his first three Japanese planes on 1 April 1943 and two more in his next combat action, 13 May 1943. Walsh brought his [...]
This model represents the "Spirit of 76" flown by Major Robert G. Owens, USMC with Marine squadron VMF-215. This aircraft was the first to arrive at the newly captured airfield at Munda, New Georgia in the Solomon Islands where [...]
This is an older build but I did document the building process. I had spare parts from Hasegawa and True Details that I used to add detail. I used a Squadron vac-form canopy as well. As can be seen the clear parts are dismal as is the [...]
After the P-40K, my dad has already finished the next bird in 2022.
Revell boxing of the Hasegawa F4U-7 kit, decals from MDC(Model Design Constructions) and the kit, wheels from Reskit, camo done with Gunze H54 Navy Blue mixed with a touch [...]
The final aircraft from the Corsair trio build is one that represents the 3rd largest operator of the Corsair, the Royal New Zealand Air Force whom operated the type from land bases in 1944/45.
In 1942 the RNZAF began to operate in [...]
Some good and some bad came out of this kit for me. The good; I managed to build the kit without breaking off the rear fuselage antenna or wing tip pitot tube which came molded into their respective parts, I experimented with hair spray [...]
One omission from the plethora of Corsair models out there is the F4U-1C, in fact there isn't even a company that offers a resin conversion set for this type. Not wanting to miss out on the only -1 variant I haven't yet built I decided to [...]
I've always loved the Corsair, particularly the mid-war four-tone scheme, and last year I built my first one which was Tom Blackburn's 'Big Hog'. A year later I wanted to do a new Corsair because I felt my skills had improved and I wanted [...]
This is a great kit. Took me some months to finish it. I spend sometime trying to make it look old and used. Chipping was hard to do it. Sand color, white and black Chalk helped me to make it look dirty and also to cover some little [...]