The Fw 190 Database at iModeler

349 articles
  • Items tagged with Fw 190
  • 349 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 10 years, 8 months ago

Focke-Wulf Fw 190

Hasegawa Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-3 1/48

Hi to all, here is another one from me. Before this build, I had fear that I will ruin all of the work if I try to add some weathering effect to the model, so I have decided to push my limits regarding this important process in this hobby. [...]

Fw 190A-8 II./JG 301 1945

After seeing so many excellent models on this site, I have decided to add a few of my own humble efforts to this site. In the last decade kit makers have been redoing my favorite aircraft in larger scales so when Hasegawa released their [...]

Fujimi 1/48 Focke- Wulf Fw190 D-9

When Fujimi came out with this beauty, it was "state of the art". Decades have passed since then, but it still sits on my shelf collecting dust. Back when I built it, my reference material was limited. I had a picture post [...]

Tamiya Fw190 D-13

First Steps. My journey back into model making

I have recently started making model aircraft again for the first time since my childhood. I thought some people might be interested to read kit reviews and builds from a nearly total newbies point of view, with all the challenges and [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 FW 190 D-9 Jabo

I have an ongoing and serious infatuation with a few different planes from the Luftwaffe 190s and 109s, He 111 and He 219 etc.etc.etc. I found this on eBay for a real nice price, almost half the retail so I jumped on it. There are few [...]

The 1/48 Focke Wulf 190 A8-R2 5/jg4 “white 11″ from Eduard

Hello, In fact, i presented you my series of Focke Wulf in exactly the opposite direction of my buildings. Here is my vision of 190 A8-R2 "white 11" 5/jg4 right after it changed ownership ... This is the model Eduard painted with [...]

The 1/48 Focke Wulf 190 D9 JG301 “white 12″ from Eduard

This is my vision of the Focke Wulf 190 D9 "white 12" from 5./JG 301. It is built straight from the box with two ICM figures and a scratch built wheel yoke. I have modified the propeller and the underside center wing for a better [...]

The 1/48 Focke Wulf 190 D13 "yellow 10" from Eduard

This is my vision of the famous Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-13 "yellow 10". It is the Eduard Dual Combo box. I think that the 190D serie from Eduard is the finest representation of this aircraft that i have built for the moment I [...]

The 1/48 Focke Wulf 190 D11 "<61" from Eduard

This is the 1/48 scale Eduard Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-11 built from the Dual Combo kit. I wanted to represente the Fw190 D-11 "<61" from the "Verbandsführerschule General der Jagdflieger". I based my paint work on the [...]