The Glencoe Database at iModeler

14 articles
  • Items tagged with Glencoe
  • 14 articles
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  • Last addition 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Glencoe Models

1/48 Albatros D.III

This is the old Glencoe kit that came out in 1989 or 1990. The WWI Group Build inspired me to pull this out of the back of the display case and have a look at it. I built it as soon as it hit the LHS shelves. It was pretty crude by [...]

Glencoe 1/32 XV-1 Convertiplane

The origins of the unconventional XV-1 can be traced back in the early 50s, when aviation designers tried to figure out ways to increase the contemporary helicopters’ airspeeds. By that time, the Air Force collaborated with the Army, in [...]

The Grumman J2F2 Duck amphibian 1/54 scale

1/54 scale. Glenco kit #04101 originally issued as the ITC kit #3727-98 in 1958. One of the fledgling Grumman Aircraft Company's first successful military contract utility aircraft designs this model is completed as assigned to the U.S. [...]

1/32 Glencoe McDonnel XV-1 Experimental Compound Helicopter

1/32 Glencoe McDonnel XV-1 Experimental Compound Helicopter - Great vintage kit of legendary convertiplane. Upgraded and detailed interior. Floquil Old Silver. Windows a bit fiddly.

Glencoe 1/59 de Havilland Venom FB.4, Fuerza Aérea Venezolana

Hi everyone! This is the Glencoe 1/59 de Havilland Venom FB.4, finished as Fuerza Aérea Venezolana bird. It was build as part of the great "de Havilland Aircraft Company 100 years" Group Build here. The de Havilland DH 112 [...]

Glencoe 1/35 Piasecki VZ-8P “Airgeep”

Hi everyone! This is my Glencoe 1/35 Piasecki VZ-8P "Airgeep" that I built about 15 years ago. The Piasecki VZ-8 Airgeep (company designation PA-59) was a prototype vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft developed by [...]

Re-scaling a life boat. From 1/48 to G scale

I needed a better looking lifeboat for my Bristol Bay trawler (see my earlier posts) and the hull shape had to be just right for my purpose. That's when I happened upon a Glencoe U.S. Coast Guard rescue boat at a really nice price. I used [...]

Curtiss Condor II. “William Horlick” – ITC/Glencoe 1:81 – Byrd’s expedition plane

This is the horrible ITC Condor kit, represents Richard Evelyn Byrd's expedition plane, "The William Horlick" from 1934. The kit is a "modeling nightmare" - be aware of the one build can find on the net says: [...]

Glencoe 1/144th Martin M-130 China Clipper

The Clippers were first flown in 1935. In 1936 the China Clipper made the first ever commercial double crossing of the Pacific Ocean. Trans-Pacific flights spanned 5 days and 60 hours of actual flying. By 1940, two of these aircraft [...]

UFO's--Serious Business!

At least they were to a young modeler in 1958. The Lindberg "Flying Saucer" was a big deal to me and was my first model I was allowed to build all by myself. Like many kids of the 1950's, I was a big fan of space [...]