The Hasegawa Database at iModeler

1328 articles
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  • Last addition 10 months, 1 week ago

Hasegawa model kits

Korean War F4U-4 Corsair Hasegawa Old Mould 1/48

A gift from a friend,the good old Hasegawa (Mania?) mould,finally finished after being retrieved from the 'as is' piles...

Hasegawa 1:48 Kawasaki Ki.45Kai Hei/Tei Toryu (Nick) "Mainland Defence" Kit #09909

A night-fighter from the 5th Fighter Regiment, Maj. Yoshiaki Yamashita, Kiyosu Air Base, June 1945. What can I say, it's Hasegawa. Minor filler needed but that was possibly due to over zealous sanding. Two issues with the build. The first [...]

Lockheed Neptune

On a recent trip to Colorado, I visited the Weisbrod Aircraft Museum in Pueblo, Colorado. While there I noticed that their Lockheed Neptune had been repainted and looks pretty nice for an outdoors display aircraft. It inspired me to [...]

Swiss Mustang J-2064

North American Mustang P-51D J-2064 Training Course Aviator 21 Squadron Dübendorf 1949. Kit 1:48 Hasegawa

1/48 AU-1 Corsair.

This is the Hasegawa kit which was first released around 2001. I built it when it was a brand new release, but never shared it here, or anywhere else for that matter. I actually just unpacked it from a moving box last month. The decals [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 A6M5c Zero

Weathering patterns of Japanese WWII aircraft fascinated me more than the aircraft themselves. However, due to the scarcity and low quality of photographs from that era, it is very difficult for me to nail the core of a weathered surface [...]

IJN 6th Air Corps Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero Hasegawa 1/48

Hi folks, this was an old building,overall gray,so I decided to bring it back to the bench and camouflage it as flown during the Solomons Is. Campaign...different gray underneath,and green above... As to better camouflage them in the [...]

1/72 Hasegawa Hurricane Mk IIc

ust finished this 1/72 Hasegawa Hurricane MkIIc today. I added Quickboost antenna, cannon and exhaust, a resin ventral position light and wheels from Aires, some Eduard PE here and there (belts, radiator grills and gun sight bead), and [...]

Messerschmitt Bf 109 J-374

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 J-374 Air Company / Squadron 6 Avenches Airfield 1941 Kit: Hasegawa 1:48, Eduard Wheels and Decals from Models. Messerschmitt 109 E-3 J-374, serial number 2355, flight hours 2:10 a.m., Engine number 10901, [...]

China Skies 85th Sentai Nakajima KI-44 Shoki "Tojo" Hasegawa 1/48

Rehab of an old KI-44 from Manchukuo AF into the famous - at least for its camos - 85th Sentai,facing the Allies in the China skies... Hope you like it... Marcus