The Kagero Database at iModeler

16 articles
  • Items tagged with Kagero
  • 16 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 8 months ago

End of War…1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190F-8, III./SG3

Built over 6 years ago. Dragon kit painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics, decals from Kagero, EZ Line for the antenna wire, bomb cart from Tamiya. This aircraft was an FW 190 F-8 from III./SG3, a ground-attack unit that served alongside [...]

Bomber Killer…1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8/R6, Jagdgruppe 10

Built a couple of years ago. Used a Tamiya F-8 kit as base. Previously this aircraft was wrongly designated as A-7 but due to some exterior features seen on the pics of the original a/c and the assumed Werknummer, it´s an A-8. Also the [...]

Spanish Civil War...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109E-1, Legion Condor

Built in 2015. Eduard kit with decals from Kagero miniTopcolors #30 (Luftwaffe´s Baptism of Fire) Painted with acrylics, Gunze H70 mixed with Tamiya XF-19 for RLM63, black trim is painted too. Model shows the a/c of Hauptmann Siebelt [...]

Freezin´ Schmitt...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, JG54

Built in 2017. Hasegawa kit, painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics, EZ Line for aerials, plastic rods and lead wire for brake lines and cockpit fuel line, decals from the kit and the Kagero book "Bf109G/K Vol.II" The model shows [...]

End of War...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109K-4, III./JG52

Newest model by my dad. Hasegawa kit, decals from the kit, Kagero and AML, EZ Line for the antenna wire, shortened the too long legs some mm to receive a more realistic look,, plastic rods and lead wire for the brake lines, Eduard [...]

Japanese Navy Destroyer KageroTamiya 1/350

Hello everyone, this is my first attempt at building a ship model. I finished it March 2020. I didn't do any rigging or weathering on this one, maybe next time. I only used the kit's parts which did not include any railings. Even for 1/350 [...]